I can't believe the time has finally come. We have all worked so hard and it is now time to show off our stuff. There are a couple of things I want to remind you of on this final week.
1. We will be at the Junior High this week Tuesday-Saturday. (Leads and Stage Crew will need to be there on Monday as well). We will meet there at 4:00 and then you can take your child home after each show. Tuesday and Wednesday will be dress rehearsals so we will probably be done close to 8:00, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we will probably be done around 7:30 or so. Also, on Saturday we will meet at the Junior High at 12:30 to get ready for our matinee show. We will have dinner in between shows provided by Chick-Fil-A.
2. I am still looking for parents who can come and help. Specifically, I need help with clean up each night. The Junior High doesn't charge us facility fees, but they do expect that we leave their space clean. It will not take us long if I have 5 or 6 parents who are willing to stay a little later and help us clean the auditorium as well as the bathrooms that we use. To access the sign up, please click here.
3. Originally I was going to have the choir wear colored shirts, but after discussing it over with the choir director, we decided it would be better to have them wear their James and the Giant Peach shirts. Please send them to the Junior High each day wearing their shirts. Also, Mrs. Durfee would like the choir kids to be at the Junior High by 4:30 not 5:00. Obviously if they have siblings in the cast, they can come at 4:00 so you don't have to make 2 different trips.
4. It would be really helpful if you brought your child to the Junior High with some sort of makeup on already. Because of hygienic reasons, I do not want to share mascara between the kids. All I ask is that you put some sort of base (foundation, powder) and mascara on the kids before they come to the school. We will add eye shadow and lipstick. And yes boys need it too. Also, if your child brings their own makeup, hair supplies, brushes, etc, please label these items and send them in a small bag.
5. Lastly, because we will be at the Junior High past dinner time each night, please send snacks and or some sort of dinner for them to eat.
It is a long week, but a very rewarding week for all involved. We have worked so hard and I am so proud of these kids. Thank you for sharing them with me. I have learned so much from each one of them.