Friday, March 13, 2020

Aladdin Jr Update

Dear Parents,
I have had a lot to think about the last couple of days regarding Hidden Hollow's Production of Aladdin, Jr.  After reading and re-reading the direction given to us by Governor Herbert and the Alpine School District, and considering different scenarios I have made a couple of immediate decisions, with possible adjustments made in the near and distant future.  Please know that when information is passed on to me, I consult with the administration and my team.  We consider the interest of the kids first, and then the interest of the show.  In saying all of this, here is my immediate plan.
  • We will continue holding weekly rehearsals at. Hidden Hollow.  These rehearsals will be limited to less than 100 people.  If you feel like it is in your child's best interest to keep them from rehearsal, please let me know.  On this issue, I will not enforce the 2 excused absence rule as outlined in the disclosure and student contract.
  • If your child is sick, they need to stay home.
  • We will continue this way until Spring Break, unless instructed otherwise   According to our calendar we should have the whole show blocked and choreographed by then.  If. things haven't changed for the better by Spring. Break, I. will make a permanent decision to cancel the show.
  • In the event that the district closes, then all rehearsals and shows will automatically be cancelled.
  • If the show is canceled, I am considering keeping our cast as is (if you are interested) and performing in the Fall.   This cast would include our sixth graders who will be seventh graders in the fall.   We. would probably have a short 4-6 week rehearsal schedule to adjust, reteach, and fine tune what has already been. learned and then perform. sometime in. October/November.
Please feel free to text or email me with any questions or concerns.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Update to this week's rehearsals

I made a few mistakes on this week's email.  Here are a few revisions
Monday:  I need Jafar, and Iago to stay after vocal rehearsal to work on Journey into the Desert and
Aladdin's Arrest.  Also, I need Sultan for the Wedding Procession.
Wednesday:  I need Sultan, Genie, Iago, Jafar, Babkak, Kassim and Omar to Work on Jafar's First Wish, Prince Ali Reprise, Jafar's Third Wish and Someone Makes Good.

March 9th & 11th

I have a couple of announcements this week.  First of all, complimentary tickets were put in teacher's mailboxes on Friday of last week.  Most of them should have been passed out.  If you didn't receive your tickets, they could still be in boxes, so let me know in the next couple of days if you don't get them.  Each family should have received 2 tickets and they were sent home with the oldest child in the family.
Secondly, tickets are now on sale online.  You can go to to purchase tickets for any show.
Lastly, I have had a couple of questions regarding rehearsals this week.  The original calendar indicated that we would have a rehearsal tomorrow, March 9th even though it is a non-school day.  Originally I was thinking we would work with a small group, but due to the snow day, we are a tad bit behind and would benefit from a whole cast rehearsal.  After much thought, I decided it would be better to have that rehearsal tomorrow rather than on Monday, April 6th (the snow make up day).
Monday, March 9th
4:00-5:00- Vocal Rehearsal - I need all cast members here.  Handmaids, guards, Sultan, Iago, Jafar can leave after vocal rehearsal.
5:00-6:30- Ensemble 1 (boys and girls), Ensemble 2 boys only, Aladdin, Jasmine will be working on A Whole New World.  Ensemble 2 girls will be reviewing and find tuning Babkak, Omar, Aladdin & Kassim, as well as the opening number, and One Jump Ahead.
Wednesday, March 11th
3:45-5:30- I need Aladdin, and Ensemble 1 boys and girls to work on Prince Ali.  Ensemble 2 will be added in later.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

March 2nd &. 4th

Before I go through the plan for this week, I have a couple of announcements.  The t shirts are ready and will be delivered tomorrow.  If your child has paid their donation, they should come home with shirts tomorrow.  If you are unable to pay the donation,  please let me know.  Also, tickets are now available to purchase online.  You can go on and order for any of the four shows.  The complimentary tickets will also be coming home this week.  Remember that each family will be given 2 complimentary tickets.  These tickets will be given to the oldest child in each family (cast or choir).  These tickets can be used for any of the four shows.  You do not need to let me know what show you plan on attending, they will be honored at the door.
Now, here is the plan for this week.
Monday, March 2nd:
4:00-5:00- Vocal Rehearsal- I need all cast members at the vocal rehearsal.  Sultan, Jafar, Iago, Jasmine and handmaids can leave after vocal rehearsals.
5:00-6:30- We will be finishing up Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim with ensemble 2.  We will also be working on Friend Like Me with Genie, Carpet, Aladdin and Ensemble 1.
Wednesday, March 4th:
3:45-5:30-  We will be finishing up Friend Like Me and starting on Prince Ali.  We will be putting Ensemble 2 into Friend Like Me and working with Ensemble 1 on Prince Ali.  We will be blocking with Sultan, Jasmine, Jafar, and Iago.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

February 24 & 26

So... Things have been going a little bit slower than we expected them to go, but we are catching up and I am confident that we will have enough time to get through everything and have time to fine tune. The last couple of rehearsals have been a bit frustrating for many as they sit and wait for their turn.  This inevitably happens every year, and it is hard at times.  Please remind your child to bring something quiet to read or work on as they wait to be placed into numbers.  As we learn more numbers, we will be able to utilize this time better as we can run through numbers already learned. 
Here is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 24th:
4:00-4:45- Vocal Rehearsal- All Cast Members, Ensemble 2 will be able to go home after vocal rehearsal. 
4:45-6:30- Ensemble 1 girls, Jasmine & Handmaids will be working on These Palace Walls
Ensemble 1 boys, Babkak, Omar, Kassim & Aladdin will be working on Babkak, Omar and Kassim
Sultan, Prince Abdullah, Iago & Jafar, Genie & Carpet will be blocking
Wednesday, February 26th:
3:45-5:30- Ensemble 1 girls, Jasmine & Handmaids will be finishing up and fine tuning These Palace Walls
Ensemble 2, Ensemble 1 boys, and Babkak, Omar, Kassim & Aladdin will be finishing up Babkak, Omar & Kassim.
Lastly, we will be distributing t shirts either at the end of this week, or beginning of next.  Please remember to pay your donation as soon as possible so your child can receive their shirt.  You can send a check or cast to rehearsal with your child, or you can pay by card in the office during regular office hours.  If you have forgotten whether you have paid or not, please email me and I will let you know if I have received it.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Another Short. Week

We have another short week this week because of the President's Day holiday.  I hope you all have a great break.  As a team we will be meeting this Monday to rearrange the calendar and see how we are going to make up some time, since we have been a little behind and with the snow day, we were forced to miss an additional rehearsal.  Many of you have asked or have wondered about rehearsal on the snow make up day on Monday, April 6th.  So far we are not planning on having a rehearsal that day.  If we are unable to catch up or make up some time between now and then, we will possibly have a leads only rehearsal that day.  I will let you know as we get closer.
I will be placing the t shirt order this week.  I am still needing about 40% of our donations to come in, so please pay those as soon as you can.  If you are unable to pay the donation, please email me and let me know.  
Here is the plan for this week
Wednesday, February 19th
3:45-5:30- I need the entire cast (minus Genie, Jafar, Iago, Sultan and Handmaids) to come and work on One Jump.  We finished choreography with leads and Ensemble 1 last Wednesday and we need to put Ensemble 2 into the number.
I will be sending home a new calendar on Monday sometime after we meet and adjust the schedule.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

February 10th & 12th

I hope you all enjoyed your break last week.  I sure did, but I am ready to get back to work.
Here is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 10th:
4:00-5:00- Vocal Rehearsal
I need all cast members here at the Vocal rehearsal this week.  During this time my Ensemble 1 kids will be meeting with Mrs. Patin and going over their part of the opening number.
5:00-6:30-  We will be running the opening number a couple of times and then moving on to One Jump Ahead.  I have both entire ensembles in this number.  For the leads who are not in this number, we will be doing a little bit of blocking.
Wednesday, February 12th:
I will need the entire cast at this rehearsal to finish up One Jump Ahead.  We will also work on blocking with Genie, Carpet, Jafar and Iago.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

A Short Week of Rehearsals

This week will be a short week of rehearsals.  Things are coming along so well, and I am so impressed with these kids.
Here is the plan for this week!
Monday, February 3rd:
4:00-5:00- Vocal Rehearsal
I need all cast members here at the Vocal rehearsal this week.  During this time my Ensemble 1 kids will be meeting with Mrs. Patin and going over their part of the opening number. 
5:00-6:30-  We will be running the opening number a couple of times and then moving on to One Jump Ahead.  I realize that this is different than what is on the rehearsal calendar.  This inevitably happens every time.  Things end up taking longer than expected and we just adjust.   I have both entire ensembles in this number.  For the leads who are not in this number, we will be doing a little bit of blocking. 
Wednesday, February 5th:
We do not have a Wednesday rehearsal this week due to Parent Teacher Conferences.  Enjoy your break!
Lastly, if any of you have any old baskets you are looking to get rid of, I could use a few for our marketplace scenes.  Please just send them with your child to practice.  I would prefer them to be a donation to the program and not something I need to return after the show, however, if you have something that you want back, please put your name on it and I will get it back to you. 
Thanks for all you do!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

January 27th & 29th

The opening number is looking great!  I am excited to see it all come together.
This week we will be doing a couple of different things.  Here is the plan
Monday, January 27th
4:00-5:00- Vocal Rehearsal:  We will be working with the entire cast on whole cast numbers.  During this time, we will be pulling leads to work on their solos
5:00-6:30- Opening Number: Arabian Nights.  We need the entire cast for the opening number.  I will be pulling some leads to block scenes during dancing rehearsal.
Wednesday, January 29th
3:45-5:30- We will be working on the choreography for One Jump Ahead.  I need the entire cast for this number.  (Sultan, Jasmine, Genie and Handmaids will be working on blocking of scenes and character development during this time).
There are a few notes I would like to leave you with in this week's announcements.  First of all, if your child could remember to bring something quiet to read or work on during down time that would be super helpful.  Also, if your child has a fever or is throwing up, please keep them home from rehearsal.  If they are feeling tired, or they don't feel good (without a fever or throwing up), please send them to rehearsal.  Even if they have to lay low and watch, this is better than nothing.  It is really hard for kids to miss during choreography.
Thank you so much for your support.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Short Week

We have finished up our vocal rehearsals, and these kids are IMPRESSIVE!!  They are learning harmonies like seasoned professionals.  This week will be a short week with a holiday on Monday.  We will only be meeting on Wednesday, January 22nd.  Here is the plan for this week.
Wednesday, January 22nd
3:45-5:30- We will need the entire cast here for our first dance rehearsal.  We will be working on the opening number Arabian Nights.  Please have your child work between now and then on memorizing the lyrics to the song, so our vocals won't suffer when we start dancing.  Please have them come in comfortable clothes and shoes that they can dance in.
This next week we will be starting to collect applications for our stage crew.  If any of you have 6th graders who were not interested in trying out for a part, but they might enjoy working on the stage crew, look for the crew flier that will be coming home this week. 
Lastly, if you haven't turned in your child's permission (2nd page of the blue disclosure) or their contract, please do so.  We have collected about half of the donations so far, but we are in need of the other half to get ahead on costume making and set building.  Remember, you can come to the office during regular office hours (8:00-4:00) and pay by card, or you can send cash or a check with your child to school.  They can bring it to the office or to my classroom anytime. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

January 13th & 15th

We had a great first week of rehearsals.  The vocal rehearsals went fabulously and I am so impressed with he talent we have this year.
First of all, I wanted to clarify a couple of things.  At the parent meeting I mentioned that there will be times that the calendar doesn't match what the emails say.  We will try and get as many kids working at as many things simultaneously at each rehearsal.  The calendar will indicate the new material we will be learning/working on, and the email will give a more specific outline of everything that will be worked on.  Please, always refer to the email.  I am sorry for the confusion last week with the conflicting messages.
Here is the plan for this week.
Monday, January 13th
4:00-4:45- Lead Vocal Rehearsal- For this part of the rehearsal I need Aladdin, Jasemine, Babkak, Omar, Kassim, Manal, Isir, Rajah.  We will be working on solo vocals
5:00-6:30- I need the entire cast for this part of the rehearsal.  This means that any and all cast members not mentioned above need to come ONLY from 5:00-6:30.  During this time we will be having ensemble vocal rehearsals.  We will also be blocking the second half of the show, and pulling leads from the vocals to work on each scene.
Wednesday, January 15th 
3:45-5:30- Vocal/Blocking . We will be using Wednesday to finish up blocking and more vocal rehearsals.  I will need the entire cast to come for this entire rehearsal. 
If your child hasn't turned in their disclosure document/sizes and student contract, please make sure they bring it this week.  Also, it is important that cast members bring their scripts/song books to each rehearsal. 
Lastly,  many of you have signed your littles up for the choir.  We are excited to get started with the choir, and that will begin the first Wednesday of February.  I will be sending out a choir calendar in the next couple of days.
Thanks for your support!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Aladdin, Jr. is about to begin

I hope you all had a great Winter Break and are ready to get started.  Each one of you received a rehearsal calendar with a brief summary of what we will be working on each week.  At our parent meeting, I will be giving you an outline of which characters are in which scenes, so you will know if your child will need to attend rehearsal or not from week to week.  We do try to utilize as many cast members as often as possible to run through dances, songs, scenes, etc.  Also, each week I will be sending home an email with a detailed list of who needs to be at each rehearsal (both Monday and Wednesday for that week).  If you lose the email, or accidentally delete it, you will always find the same announcement on the musical blog  These emails will usually go out by Friday afternoon/evening of the week before. 
Here is the plan for this week
Monday, January 6th
4:00-4:45: Lead vocals.  Hopefully your and/or your child has had an opportunity to go through their script over the break.  If he/she has a solo singing part in the show, they will need to attend this vocal rehearsal.  Ensembles 1 and 2 do not need to come until later.
4:45-6:30: Lead blocking.  The leads will go from vocal rehearsal into blocking.  We will try to get through the first half of the show, so any and all of you who can be memorized through Friend Like Me would be great!!
5:00-6:30: Vocal Rehearsal:  Ensembles 1 and 2 will need to be here for Vocal rehearsal.  I will have song books for you when you get here. 
6:30-7:00ish:  Parent Meeting.  Please plan on coming to this.  This is a great opportunity for all parents to come and learn a little more about the show.  We will go through schedules, expectations, etc.  Also, if you are able to pay your donation on this night we will for sure be able to take cash or check.  We are finding out if we will have access to a card reader, but I won't know that until that night. 

Wednesday, January 8th
3:45-5:30:  Leads will finish up blocking on the first half of the show.
3:45-5:30: Ensembles 1 & 2 will have vocal rehearsal.
I know that on the original calendar that I gave you, rehearsals were scheduled to start at 3:45, however, we had to make a slight change on Mondays to have access to our music room.  Since Monday is an early out day, your child will need to go home after school and then come back at 4:00.  Please do not plan on your child staying  at the school and hanging out.  As teachers and faculty, we have meetings that go until 3:45, so we can not keep an eye on any children.  If rides are a problem, please message me and I will try and see if I can connect some of you that live in the same neighborhoods and arrange a carpool.