Sunday, February 23, 2020

February 24 & 26

So... Things have been going a little bit slower than we expected them to go, but we are catching up and I am confident that we will have enough time to get through everything and have time to fine tune. The last couple of rehearsals have been a bit frustrating for many as they sit and wait for their turn.  This inevitably happens every year, and it is hard at times.  Please remind your child to bring something quiet to read or work on as they wait to be placed into numbers.  As we learn more numbers, we will be able to utilize this time better as we can run through numbers already learned. 
Here is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 24th:
4:00-4:45- Vocal Rehearsal- All Cast Members, Ensemble 2 will be able to go home after vocal rehearsal. 
4:45-6:30- Ensemble 1 girls, Jasmine & Handmaids will be working on These Palace Walls
Ensemble 1 boys, Babkak, Omar, Kassim & Aladdin will be working on Babkak, Omar and Kassim
Sultan, Prince Abdullah, Iago & Jafar, Genie & Carpet will be blocking
Wednesday, February 26th:
3:45-5:30- Ensemble 1 girls, Jasmine & Handmaids will be finishing up and fine tuning These Palace Walls
Ensemble 2, Ensemble 1 boys, and Babkak, Omar, Kassim & Aladdin will be finishing up Babkak, Omar & Kassim.
Lastly, we will be distributing t shirts either at the end of this week, or beginning of next.  Please remember to pay your donation as soon as possible so your child can receive their shirt.  You can send a check or cast to rehearsal with your child, or you can pay by card in the office during regular office hours.  If you have forgotten whether you have paid or not, please email me and I will let you know if I have received it.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Another Short. Week

We have another short week this week because of the President's Day holiday.  I hope you all have a great break.  As a team we will be meeting this Monday to rearrange the calendar and see how we are going to make up some time, since we have been a little behind and with the snow day, we were forced to miss an additional rehearsal.  Many of you have asked or have wondered about rehearsal on the snow make up day on Monday, April 6th.  So far we are not planning on having a rehearsal that day.  If we are unable to catch up or make up some time between now and then, we will possibly have a leads only rehearsal that day.  I will let you know as we get closer.
I will be placing the t shirt order this week.  I am still needing about 40% of our donations to come in, so please pay those as soon as you can.  If you are unable to pay the donation, please email me and let me know.  
Here is the plan for this week
Wednesday, February 19th
3:45-5:30- I need the entire cast (minus Genie, Jafar, Iago, Sultan and Handmaids) to come and work on One Jump.  We finished choreography with leads and Ensemble 1 last Wednesday and we need to put Ensemble 2 into the number.
I will be sending home a new calendar on Monday sometime after we meet and adjust the schedule.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

February 10th & 12th

I hope you all enjoyed your break last week.  I sure did, but I am ready to get back to work.
Here is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 10th:
4:00-5:00- Vocal Rehearsal
I need all cast members here at the Vocal rehearsal this week.  During this time my Ensemble 1 kids will be meeting with Mrs. Patin and going over their part of the opening number.
5:00-6:30-  We will be running the opening number a couple of times and then moving on to One Jump Ahead.  I have both entire ensembles in this number.  For the leads who are not in this number, we will be doing a little bit of blocking.
Wednesday, February 12th:
I will need the entire cast at this rehearsal to finish up One Jump Ahead.  We will also work on blocking with Genie, Carpet, Jafar and Iago.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

A Short Week of Rehearsals

This week will be a short week of rehearsals.  Things are coming along so well, and I am so impressed with these kids.
Here is the plan for this week!
Monday, February 3rd:
4:00-5:00- Vocal Rehearsal
I need all cast members here at the Vocal rehearsal this week.  During this time my Ensemble 1 kids will be meeting with Mrs. Patin and going over their part of the opening number. 
5:00-6:30-  We will be running the opening number a couple of times and then moving on to One Jump Ahead.  I realize that this is different than what is on the rehearsal calendar.  This inevitably happens every time.  Things end up taking longer than expected and we just adjust.   I have both entire ensembles in this number.  For the leads who are not in this number, we will be doing a little bit of blocking. 
Wednesday, February 5th:
We do not have a Wednesday rehearsal this week due to Parent Teacher Conferences.  Enjoy your break!
Lastly, if any of you have any old baskets you are looking to get rid of, I could use a few for our marketplace scenes.  Please just send them with your child to practice.  I would prefer them to be a donation to the program and not something I need to return after the show, however, if you have something that you want back, please put your name on it and I will get it back to you. 
Thanks for all you do!