Friday, March 13, 2020

Aladdin Jr Update

Dear Parents,
I have had a lot to think about the last couple of days regarding Hidden Hollow's Production of Aladdin, Jr.  After reading and re-reading the direction given to us by Governor Herbert and the Alpine School District, and considering different scenarios I have made a couple of immediate decisions, with possible adjustments made in the near and distant future.  Please know that when information is passed on to me, I consult with the administration and my team.  We consider the interest of the kids first, and then the interest of the show.  In saying all of this, here is my immediate plan.
  • We will continue holding weekly rehearsals at. Hidden Hollow.  These rehearsals will be limited to less than 100 people.  If you feel like it is in your child's best interest to keep them from rehearsal, please let me know.  On this issue, I will not enforce the 2 excused absence rule as outlined in the disclosure and student contract.
  • If your child is sick, they need to stay home.
  • We will continue this way until Spring Break, unless instructed otherwise   According to our calendar we should have the whole show blocked and choreographed by then.  If. things haven't changed for the better by Spring. Break, I. will make a permanent decision to cancel the show.
  • In the event that the district closes, then all rehearsals and shows will automatically be cancelled.
  • If the show is canceled, I am considering keeping our cast as is (if you are interested) and performing in the Fall.   This cast would include our sixth graders who will be seventh graders in the fall.   We. would probably have a short 4-6 week rehearsal schedule to adjust, reteach, and fine tune what has already been. learned and then perform. sometime in. October/November.
Please feel free to text or email me with any questions or concerns.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Update to this week's rehearsals

I made a few mistakes on this week's email.  Here are a few revisions
Monday:  I need Jafar, and Iago to stay after vocal rehearsal to work on Journey into the Desert and
Aladdin's Arrest.  Also, I need Sultan for the Wedding Procession.
Wednesday:  I need Sultan, Genie, Iago, Jafar, Babkak, Kassim and Omar to Work on Jafar's First Wish, Prince Ali Reprise, Jafar's Third Wish and Someone Makes Good.

March 9th & 11th

I have a couple of announcements this week.  First of all, complimentary tickets were put in teacher's mailboxes on Friday of last week.  Most of them should have been passed out.  If you didn't receive your tickets, they could still be in boxes, so let me know in the next couple of days if you don't get them.  Each family should have received 2 tickets and they were sent home with the oldest child in the family.
Secondly, tickets are now on sale online.  You can go to to purchase tickets for any show.
Lastly, I have had a couple of questions regarding rehearsals this week.  The original calendar indicated that we would have a rehearsal tomorrow, March 9th even though it is a non-school day.  Originally I was thinking we would work with a small group, but due to the snow day, we are a tad bit behind and would benefit from a whole cast rehearsal.  After much thought, I decided it would be better to have that rehearsal tomorrow rather than on Monday, April 6th (the snow make up day).
Monday, March 9th
4:00-5:00- Vocal Rehearsal - I need all cast members here.  Handmaids, guards, Sultan, Iago, Jafar can leave after vocal rehearsal.
5:00-6:30- Ensemble 1 (boys and girls), Ensemble 2 boys only, Aladdin, Jasmine will be working on A Whole New World.  Ensemble 2 girls will be reviewing and find tuning Babkak, Omar, Aladdin & Kassim, as well as the opening number, and One Jump Ahead.
Wednesday, March 11th
3:45-5:30- I need Aladdin, and Ensemble 1 boys and girls to work on Prince Ali.  Ensemble 2 will be added in later.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

March 2nd &. 4th

Before I go through the plan for this week, I have a couple of announcements.  The t shirts are ready and will be delivered tomorrow.  If your child has paid their donation, they should come home with shirts tomorrow.  If you are unable to pay the donation,  please let me know.  Also, tickets are now available to purchase online.  You can go on and order for any of the four shows.  The complimentary tickets will also be coming home this week.  Remember that each family will be given 2 complimentary tickets.  These tickets will be given to the oldest child in each family (cast or choir).  These tickets can be used for any of the four shows.  You do not need to let me know what show you plan on attending, they will be honored at the door.
Now, here is the plan for this week.
Monday, March 2nd:
4:00-5:00- Vocal Rehearsal- I need all cast members at the vocal rehearsal.  Sultan, Jafar, Iago, Jasmine and handmaids can leave after vocal rehearsals.
5:00-6:30- We will be finishing up Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim with ensemble 2.  We will also be working on Friend Like Me with Genie, Carpet, Aladdin and Ensemble 1.
Wednesday, March 4th:
3:45-5:30-  We will be finishing up Friend Like Me and starting on Prince Ali.  We will be putting Ensemble 2 into Friend Like Me and working with Ensemble 1 on Prince Ali.  We will be blocking with Sultan, Jasmine, Jafar, and Iago.