I have had a lot to think about the last couple of days regarding Hidden Hollow's Production of Aladdin, Jr. After reading and re-reading the direction given to us by Governor Herbert and the Alpine School District, and considering different scenarios I have made a couple of immediate decisions, with possible adjustments made in the near and distant future. Please know that when information is passed on to me, I consult with the administration and my team. We consider the interest of the kids first, and then the interest of the show. In saying all of this, here is my immediate plan.
- We will continue holding weekly rehearsals at. Hidden Hollow. These rehearsals will be limited to less than 100 people. If you feel like it is in your child's best interest to keep them from rehearsal, please let me know. On this issue, I will not enforce the 2 excused absence rule as outlined in the disclosure and student contract.
- If your child is sick, they need to stay home.
- We will continue this way until Spring Break, unless instructed otherwise According to our calendar we should have the whole show blocked and choreographed by then. If. things haven't changed for the better by Spring. Break, I. will make a permanent decision to cancel the show.
- In the event that the district closes, then all rehearsals and shows will automatically be cancelled.
- If the show is canceled, I am considering keeping our cast as is (if you are interested) and performing in the Fall. This cast would include our sixth graders who will be seventh graders in the fall. We. would probably have a short 4-6 week rehearsal schedule to adjust, reteach, and fine tune what has already been. learned and then perform. sometime in. October/November.
Please feel free to text or email me with any questions or concerns.