Friday, January 23, 2015

The Fun Begins

The process of auditions has been a very exciting and overwhelming one for all of us involved.  I am so impressed with all of you and your hard word and dedication to this musical already.  I am overwhelmed with the amount of talent here at Hidden Hollow, and I am excited to get started.  Please know that we worked long and hard on the casting process. No decision was made lightly, and without much discussion.  Also know that all parts are important and each cast member will play a vital part in the overall show.   Without further adieu, introducing the cast of Hidden Hollow's production of The Jungle Book:

Mowgli:       Kya Hobody  
King Louie:   Owen Fulton
Bagheera:    Ginger Moimoi 
Baloo:        Griffin Slack 
Shere Khan: Lily Aranda 
Colonel Hathi: Maryssa Straw 
Kaa:          1 Lyvia Ford 
              2 Leslie Smuin
              3 Josh Straw
              4 Alyse Barrett
              5 Josh Stone
              6 Gabe Smuin
Baby Elephant: Lily Gagnier
Shanti/Coconut Tree: Paige Anderson
Old Monkey:  Zelinn Fiore
Elephant Troupe:
    Ben Sadler, Kelsey Gray, Elle Scott,
    Maigen Clawson, Holly Sweigant,
    Nikole Sweigart, Isabella Gunderson,
    Echo Burbano, Carly Taylor
1.                   Dannika Peterson
2.                  Jaxen Nichols
3.                  Chloe Robinson
    Meghan Lentini, Natasha, Abby Spencer,
    Libby Richards, Mallory Richards,
    Isabella Peterson, Bella Hipol
Village girls/Flowers: Lilia Wiggins, Tally Tanner, Hannah Coombs, Maya Fulton, Talia Fulton, Lizzy Sampson, Saimy Escalante
Prickley Pears:
    Maile Nigh, Kaie Meister
Rocks: Alex Curley, Grace Maw, Mary Watt
Plants: Hannah Huntington, Kaitlyn Bjornberg
        Rebecca Rawlings
Bushes: Catherine Thayne, Kristina Mejicaunos
         Parley Hall, Natalie Dixon
Bees:   Marlie Anderson, Madison Turner,
         Victoria Seda,
Trees:   Kortney Gray, Kelsey Larson
Wolves: Kaydee Householder, Molly Ferre,
         Lilly Ferguson, Avery Ferguson
Vultures: Shaylee McLachlan, Aubrey Gonzalez, Asher Sorenson

We are excited to see you all on Monday!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Why did I get a elephant troope just asking why? Ps this is ben sadler
