Saturday, January 9, 2016

January 11th and 13th rehearsals

Rehearsals will begin this week on Monday. All cast members will need to be at both rehearsals. Monday and Wednesday from 3:30-5:30. We will be working on the opening number; Dodgesonland parts 1 and 2. Choir members and stage crew do not need to come this week.  Also, if you haven't turned in your paperwork or your donations you can turn that into the front office. We will have a card reader at Monday's rehearsal if you want to pay by debit or credit card.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter, Ashley Hilton, signed up for the crew but is a 3rd grader. At the meeting she said you may have too many kids on the crew and if so, would start taking off 3rd graders first. She wanted me to check when that was happening and when we would know if she was still on the list. Thanks!
