Friday, February 26, 2016

February 29th and March 2nd

Here is an outline for this week's rehearsals
Monday, February 29th
Caterpillars and Small Alice
You will be learning the rest of your dance and polishing up on what you have learned so far.
Flowers and Small Alice
You will be learning the rest of Golden Afternoon and working in small groups on what you have learned so far.
All Cards, Alice, White Rabbit and Cats
You will be working on I'm Late, Painting the Roses Red and the March of the Cards
Wednesday, March 2nd
Entire Cast
We will be running the entire show from start to finish and brushing up on dances that we haven't worked through in a while.  Please bring something to keep you occupied (i.e. a book or something to work on) while your character is not on stage.  Also, Mrs. Hickenlooper will be calling back small groups one at a time to work on vocals.
Stage Crew
We will be setting the stage during this "tech rehearsal".  You will also need to bring something to keep you occupied while you are not working with the directors.
You will be working on songs you have already learned.  We will also be learning Very Good Advice, so please listen to the music before you come.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Instrumental Tracks

We had a wonderful rehearsal yesterday.  It was fun to see all the characters in costume and to work hand in hand with our stage crew.  I really started to see it coming together, and I could tell very quickly that we have an outstanding stage crew.  After watching the cast and crew yesterday, I was reminded that we need to start practicing our vocals and speaking parts to the instrumental tracks.  Here are the links.  Let me know if you have any problems accessing the tracks.  Also, just for your information, tickets will be going on sale on March 1st.

Dodgsonland part 1
Dodgsonland part 2
I'm Late
Very Good Advice
Ocean of Tears
The Caucus Race
I'm Late (Reprise)
How D'Ye Do and Shake Hands
How D'Ye Do (Reprise)
The Golden Afternoon
Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (Playoff)
The Unbirthday Song (Part 1)
The Unbirthday Song (Part 2)
I'm Late (Reprise)
Painting the Roses Red
Painting the Roses Red (Reprise)
Simon Says (Part 1)
Simon Says (Part 2)
Simon Says (Part 3)
The Unbirthday Song (Reprise)
Whoooo Are Youuuuuu?
Alice In Wonderland (Finale)
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (Bows)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Small Update

I just wanted to make a small update to this week's rehearsals.  I need for the Tweedles to come to both Monday's and Tuesday's rehearsals.
Also, I need all cast members to BRING YOUR SCRIPTS this week.  We will be writing stage directions in our scripts this week as we block scenes.

Friday, February 19, 2016

February 22nd and 24th

It seems like it's been a while since we have had two rehearsals in one week.  I am excited to have a couple of days to get a lot done.  This week we're going to have smaller groups coming to learn new dances and blocking and review what we have learned so far so we can fine tune.  We are almost half way through the show and it's looking good.
Monday, February 22nd
Caterpillars and Small Alice:
You are going to be working on Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah choreography.
You will be practicing How D'Ye Do and Shake Hands
All Cards
I know this is going to seem pretty inconvenient for some of you, but I am only going to need the cards to come for about 20-30 minutes on Monday.  We have rented about 20 costumes from Thunder Ridge for the cards and many of them are a bit too long for our students.  On Monday I have a few parents who have volunteered to come to try costumes on kids and start altering costumes and working on the remaining 30 costumes that need to be sewn.  Consequently, all we need your child for on Monday is to try a costume on.  If your child is a B tracker, they will probably just be walking home a little later than normal.  If your child is an A tracker, I am sorry that you will have to bring them back for a minute and then take them back home.  Please feel free to stay and wait a few minutes.  We will be as quick as possible.

Wednesday, February 24th
You will be learning Golden Afternoon as well as finishing up the flowers we started on last rehearsal
Mathilda, Alice, Cats, White Rabbit, Doorknob, Small Alice, Tall Alice  You are going to have a small tech rehearsal while we work on the blocking we have learned already through Scene 2.  We will have props and sets stage crew to work with as we fine tune these scenes.
You will be blocking Scene 3 as we work with stage crew.
Props and Stage Crew
We will be working with characters as we go through the script and make prop and scenery assignments for the first couple of scenes in the play.
You will be working on songs we have already learned as well as learning a couple of new ones.

Monday, February 15, 2016

February 17th

Wednesday, February 17th
White Rabbit, Cats, Alice, 3rd and 4th Grade Cards
You will be working on I'm Late.

Creatures, Lobsters, Small Alice and Dodo Bird
You will be working on and finishing up Ocean of Tears and Caucus Race.

You will be working on and finishing up How D'Ye Do and Shake Hands.  We also will be blocking lines between Caucus Race and How D'Ye Do.

Stage Crew
We will have a short meeting with Mrs. Coombs and Miss. Ovard.  The meeting will probably only last about 30 to 45 minutes.

Choir practice will probably go from 3:30-5:00.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Few Updates

I am so excited and impressed with all that has been going on over the last month or so during rehearsals.  I am impressed with the amount of work that all of your children are putting into the show.  We are making great progress and by the end of this week we will have everything blocked and choreographed through Scene 4.  That makes me so excited and happy.

I am writing this post for a couple of different reasons.  First of all I want to let you know of a couple of things that are coming up.  Next week we will be starting to meet with our stage crew.  I have quite a few kids that are signed up for stage crew, however, I know that some of you are only interested in working with hair and make-up.  We need to have a meeting with all stage crew and this meeting will be on Wednesday, February 17th during rehearsal time.  Secondly, I am getting ready to order t-shirts.  Just as a reminder, t-shirts are for all cast, crew and choir members.  The cost of the t-shirts is covered by the donations that have been collected.  If you haven't paid your donation yet, please do so as soon as possible.  If you are unable to pay the donation, please send me a private email and let me know,

The last thing I need to make you aware of is regards to costumes.  This musical is a bit different than last year, in that each cast member will have a pre-Wonderland costume as well as a Wonderland costume.  Our budget is not big enough to cover the cost associated with providing 2 costumes for each cast member, so I need your help.  I have included a list of characters in the musical and costumes that they need for the opening number.  These items should be things that they already have at home.  Please find your child's character name and the items of clothing they need.

Alice (small, medium and tall):
White tights, black dress shoes

Cheshire Cats
Denim Overalls (shorts, pants or capris are fine)
Tennis Shoes

White Rabbit
Blue Jeans and a plain colored t-shirt
Tennis Shoes

Mad Hatter
Bright Colored leggings and a plain colored t-shirt (doesn't need to match)
Crazy socks

March Hare
Shorts or jeans and plain colored t-shirts

Jeans and Brown colored shirt

Queen of Hearts
Red t-shirt and black pants (shorts or capri's are fine)

King of Hearts
Pants and top that have any combination of red, white and black

Royal Cardsman/Cards
Jeans and plain t-shirts (any color is fine).  They can wear jean shorts, pants or capris.
Cards also will need black pants and black long sleeved shirts to wear under their card costume.  The pants can be sweats,  or leggings and the shirts can have a graphic on the front cause it will be covered, it just needs to have long sleeves.

Rose, Petunia, Lily, Violet, Daisy and Flower Ensemble
Anything with a flower print on it (dress, pants, shirts)  You can mix and match plain with flowered print for example flower leggings and plain t-shirt, or jeans and a flower print t-shirt.

Jeans and orange or green plain t-shirt

Dodo Bird
Jeans and t-shirt, nothing particular

Leggings and plain colored t-shirts

Jeans and t-shirts (shorts, capris or jeans are fine)

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Jeans and striped t-shirts (red and white, blue and white or black and white stripes)

Also, all female cast members need to have a black pair of short spandex (bike shorts) or spankys and a cami to wear under their costume.  Due to the number of people in the musical and quick costume changes, it is best if they have something under their costume so they can quickly change and stay modest.

Thank you all again for your help and cooperation with all of this.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment or email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Friday, February 5, 2016

February 8th and 10th

Monday, February 8th
3rd and 4th Grade Cards, Alice, Cats, White Rabbit
You will be working on the March of the Cards and finishing up I'm Late and Very Good Advice

5th and 6th Grade Cards, Queen of Hearts, and King of Hearts
You will be working on the March of the Cards and Painting the Roses Red

Lobsters, Dodo Bird, Creatures, and Small Alice
You will be finishing up the Caucus Race and Ocean of Tears

Doorknob, Alice, Tall Alice, Small Alice and Cats
You will be working on blocking for Scene 2 and Ocean of Tears

Wednesday, February 10th
You will be practicing Dodgesonland Part 2

All Cards, Queen of Hearts, and King of Hearts
You will be working on the March of the Cards

Lobsters, Dodo Bird, Creatures and Small Alice
You will be practicing Caucus Race and Ocean of Tears

You will be working on How D'Ye Do and Shake Hands

Caterpillars, Mad Hatter, March Hare
You will be working on Vocals (We are almost ready to start blocking all of you :))

We need all choir members to come and work on I'm Late, Alice in Wonderland and Ocean of Tears and Caucus Race