Monday, February 8th
3rd and 4th Grade Cards, Alice, Cats, White Rabbit
You will be working on the March of the Cards and finishing up I'm Late and Very Good Advice
5th and 6th Grade Cards, Queen of Hearts, and King of Hearts
You will be working on the March of the Cards and Painting the Roses Red
Lobsters, Dodo Bird, Creatures, and Small Alice
You will be finishing up the Caucus Race and Ocean of Tears
Doorknob, Alice, Tall Alice, Small Alice and Cats
You will be working on blocking for Scene 2 and Ocean of Tears
Wednesday, February 10th
You will be practicing Dodgesonland Part 2
All Cards, Queen of Hearts, and King of Hearts
You will be working on the March of the Cards
Lobsters, Dodo Bird, Creatures and Small Alice
You will be practicing Caucus Race and Ocean of Tears
You will be working on How D'Ye Do and Shake Hands
Caterpillars, Mad Hatter, March Hare
You will be working on Vocals (We are almost ready to start blocking all of you :))
We need all choir members to come and work on I'm Late, Alice in Wonderland and Ocean of Tears and Caucus Race
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