Friday, April 15, 2016

The Time Has Finally Arrived

I feel like I have so many things to announce this week, and I will probably forget a few things. Please leave a comment or send a question to my email if this post is unclear or incomplete.
First of all on Friday your child should have come home with a letter with instructions for next weeks practices and performances.  If you have not seen this letter, please click here to access the letter. Attached to the letter was a list of specific clothing items that your child needs for their "playground" outfit that they need to wear prior to their "Wonderland" outfit.  If you have questions about what your child needs to wear, please comment or send me an email.
Second, there is a small discrepancy with times outlined in the letter pertaining to the Saturday schedule.  The Saturday matinee will start at 2:30, not at 2:00.  Therefore we don't need the kids to be at the school until 12:30, rather than 12:00.  Here is the outline again for the practices/performances.
Monday, April 18th: 4:00-8:00
Tuesday, April 19th: 4:00-8:00
Wednesday, April 20th: 4:00-8:00
Friday, April 21st: 4:00-8:00
Saturday, April 23rd: 12:30-8:00
Please make note of a couple of things.  I know that on Monday and Tuesday for our tech rehearsal and dress rehearsal, we will use every minute of that time.  I am a little unsure about the performance nights. The show will start at 6:00 and it is about an hour and 20 minutes.  This means that your child will be done anywhere from 7:30-8:00.  Please know that I will have my cell phone there and am happy to have them call to be picked up early, but we won't have access to a school telephone to call home.  Also, I know this might be difficult due to rides, but if you have a choir member, they don't need to be to the school until 30 minutes after the cast members.  If you only have a child in the choir, please bring them at 4:30 instead of 4:00 and 1:00 instead of 12:30.  If you have a cast and choir member just bring them at the same time.
I know that some of you are concerned about rehearsals being during dinnertime.  Please send snacks and or a sack lunch with your child during the rehearsal/performance times.  On Saturday Chick-Fil-A will be donating lunch/dinner in between the matinee and evening performances.  They might still need a snack or two.  The PTA will also be there selling snacks.
You can still purchase pre-sale tickets in the office at school until Tuesday.  I will also have parents selling tickets at the middle school on Monday and Tuesday.  The pre-sale tickets are $3 for children (any school age child) and $5 for adults.  There is a family ticket you can buy (2 adults and 4 children) for $20.  After Tuesday all tickets are $5 and the family ticket is $25

1 comment:

  1. What about makeup crew? Do you want them there the same hours as everyone?
