Sunday, January 22, 2017

January 23rd and 25th

I am sorry this announcement is so late.  I hope that you all got my text this morning regarding rehearsal for tomorrow, Monday, January 23rd and are planning on attending.
The kids have worked so hard on the opening number and it is going to look great.  We will use the first hour tomorrow to finish that number.  The following is the outlined plan for this week.
Monday, January 23rd 
The entire cast will take the first hour to finish the opening number
Second Hour
Ensemble 1, Sponge and Spiker, Billy and Bobby Cop, Dorreen, Violet, Ridgley, Cris and Matron Nurse will work with Mrs. Hickenlooper on the vocals for Property of Spiker and Sponge.
Ensemble 2 will be polishing up the opening number
Ensemble 3, Matron Nurse, Karl Kreatour, Mr. and Mrs. Trotter, Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug and James will work on Scene 1
Please bring your scripts and a pencil
Wednesday, January 25th
Ensemble 1, Sponge and Spiker, Billy and Bobby Cop, Doreen, Violet, Ridgley, Cris and Matron Nurse will be working on choreography for Property of Spiker and Sponge.
Ensemble 2 and 3 will be polishing the opening number.
Insects and James will be working on lines and blocking.

Please remember to bring your clothing donations by Wednesday January 25th.  Also, I have a few of you that haven't turned in your measurements and money donations.  Please send that as soon as you can.  Please send me a private email if the money donations is a hardship on you or your family.

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