I know I've said this before, but I am super impressed with the progress we have made in just a few rehearsals. Never before have we been learning harmonies in the first week. And never before have we been able to practice our vocals with the instrumental tracks in the first week! A big hats off to all of you and to Mrs. Hickenlooper and Mrs. Slack. (I hope you're not sick of the songs yet 😍)
I talked to the kids on Wednesday about being "off script" on each number prior to us learning the choreography for that number. Tomorrow and Wednesday we will be learning the choreography for "Showtime" the opening number. There is no need for your kids to bring their scripts since we will be dancing. Please make sure they are strong and confident on their vocals and spoken lines (if applicable) so that we can be off script by tomorrow afternoon's rehearsal.
Just a reminder that Mondays rehearsals will be from 4:30-6:30. This gives your child plenty of time to go home, get a snack, and rest before coming to rehearsal. Please have them wear comfortable clothes and shoes so they can dance both tomorrow and Wednesday.
Also, I am currently waiting for price quotes on a couple of different t shirt designs. I would love to have the t shirts ordered the first week of February (by February 5th). In saying this, I have collected donations from half of you up to this point. I will be ordering a total of 200+ t shirts which adds up quickly (It will cost approximately $1,300. In saying this, I will not be able to order the shirts until I have the majority of donations collected. If you haven't sent in your donation, I would appreciate it if you could do so as soon as possible. I understand that there are/can be extenuating circumstances that would prevent some of you from making a donation. If this is the case, please send me an email. You can send a check made out to Hidden Hollow Elementary to rehearsal with your child, you can send cash or you can come into the office and pay Linda with a credit/debit card.
Thank you again for all of your help and support.
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