Saturday, March 17, 2018

Only a Couple of Weeks before Spring Break

I can't believe there are only a couple of weeks before Spring Break.  Our hope is to have the entire show choreographed and blocked prior to spring break and then to stumble through the show making necessary changes and cleaning up all the numbers in those two weeks after Spring Break.  We are on our way, and I believe we can do it.  On the original calendar we were supposed to start working on Paradise at last Thursday's rehearsal.  We had to make some adjustments and the number now needs to be choreographed in 2 days instead of 1.  This is a big number that requires most of the cast, so I am asking that you make every effort to make sure your child is at rehearsal on both Monday and Wednesday of this week for the entire 2 hour block.  It is really hard to place a child and teach them after all of the blocking has taken place. 
Monday, March 19th and Wednesday, March 21st:  We will be choreographing Paradise.  This number requires the entire cast, minus the penguins and the Foosa.  The penguins and the Foosa do not need to be at rehearsal on Monday or Wednesday.
Thursday, March 22nd:  Zoosters, Julien, Mort, Maurice, Foosa, Mason, Phil, Ensemble 1 and Penguins.  Thursday's practice will be a little different due to the fact that our first graders are performing their program for their parents.  This program starts at 6:00, so we will end rehearsal at 5:30 and ask the kids to stay a couple of extra minutes to help us set chairs up.  Due to the fact that I am a first grade teacher and have to attend to my class as they start showing up at 5:30, I will need all the help I can get setting up chairs and cleaning up so that we are ready for a program. 

Alos, please be watching for another email I will be sending out in the next couple of days.  There are a few things that the cast will need to provide costume wise for the beginning of the show when they are zoo guests and New York citizens.  These are basic things that you should have at home.  Each group has specific clothing items that they will need so I will send these emails out individually.  Please be aware that each cast member will need to have a pair of spankys (bike shorts) and a cami to wear under their clothing.  Most of our costume changes are quick and need to be done in the dressing room in front of other cast members.  It is better that they have something on to keep them modest as they are changing in front of others.
Finally, I will also be sending out a link, (probably in the next week) for a sign up genius.  This will include all of the sign ups I will need for show week.  For example, ticket sales, concessions, green room helpers, choir supervision, etc.  Please be looking for that and sign up for whatever you can help with. 
Thanks for all of your help and support.  These kids are WONDERFUL, and it has been so much fun working with them and getting to know each of them.  They are definitely a talented group of kids.

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