Sunday, February 26, 2017

And Now We Are Into MARCH!!

I can't believe that it is March already!  We have come soooo far and I can't wait to start working through the second half of the show.
TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE THIS WEDNESDAY.  Each family involved in the show will get 2 complimentary tickets to attend any show.  These are almost ready to distribute, and I plan on getting them out this week.  Additional ticket prices are $5.00 for Adults and $3.00 for children (any student, elementary, junior high, or high school).  Children 3 and under are free.  We also have a family ticket; 6 tickets (2 adults and 4 children) for $20.00.  Please tell your family and friends to come and get tickets at the Hidden Hollow front office.  All tickets at the door will be $5.00
The next four weeks might be a little challenging since we need  to block the entire 2nd half of the show.  The good news is that most of the big numbers are choreographed and the kids are doing an excellent job practicing and perfecting them.  Because we only have the month of March to finish the show and we won't have any rehearsals during Spring Break, I have decided to add a couple of rehearsal dates the last couple of weeks before Spring Break.  Please mark these dates on your calendar.
Monday, March 6th (I made mention of this date last week).  I know it is a non-school day for students, but it would be unwise to skip this date since we have so few rehearsal dates left.
Thursday, March 23rd We will be working through the closing number and curtain calls so that the following week we can run through the entire show as many times as time permits, practicing and perfecting before heading over to the Junior High.
Thursday, March 30th.  We will be running through the entire show as many times as we can before starting our Spring Break.
Mrs. Durfee and I have also decided to add a few choir rehearsals this month.  We toyed with the idea of extending Monday rehearsals to 2 hours rather than adding additional days, but it is our opinion and experience that these little ones do better with shorter rehearsals more often rather than doing longer rehearsals with big breaks in between.  Here are the additional choir dates:
Wednesday, March 15th
Wednesday, March 22nd
Wednesday, March 29th
The following is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 27th
Entire Cast:  We will be doing a stumble through of the first half of the show.  After stumbling through we will be making notes and fixing a few things and then running through it again.  Make sure your child brings their script and a pencil so that they can jot down notes.  We should be totally off books on the first half of the show, however, it will be beneficial to jot down notes to review as the kids practice at home.
Wednesday, March 1st
Insects Only:  We will be polishing up a few scenes from the first half and start blocking the 2nd half starting just after Intermission through Floating Along.  If we can get further that would be amazing.  It may seem strange to add additional practices, but then to have just a few come and not involve everyone.  I decided not to have any other cast members there so we can focus on blocking without 10 other things going on at the same time.  It is good to have many cast members there practicing and perfecting scenes, but often times this takes me away from directing and moving on.
Props and Sets Stage Crew:  I need all crew members who are helping with sets and props.  We will be going through the script and making assignments for these two things.  Many of the sets and props are finished and need to be rehearsed with, prior to practicing at the Junior High.
       One last thing, I will be posting the musical tracks minus vocals.  At this stage in the game we should be listening to and practicing with the musical tracks minus the vocal cues.  Please have your child look at their script and really know the words.  Once we take the vocal cues out, it is often difficult to remember the words.  Practicing at home is so important to progressing.

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