Friday, February 10, 2017

February 13th and 15th

I am so overwhelmed with the amount of help and support we are getting from all of you.  We have had several meetings with many of you and work is going great on both costumes and sets.  You all have no idea what a weight this takes off of both Barbie and I as we go through this process.
We have a few moms that will be coming to rehearsals over the next several Mondays to size and fit all of the donations that we have received as we put together costumes for the cast.  If you are interested in helping with this or if you can just stop by that would be great.  The plan is that we will look at what clothing items we have collected and see which cast member it will fit.  We will label these items and start making lists of items that we need to purchase.  Don't worry, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEW!!  If you are able to help, please send me an email, or just stop by at Monday rehearsals.
Here is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 13th
Ensemble 1, James, Insects will be working on Vocals for Shake it Up.
Ensemble 2, Sponge and Spiker will be finishing up Money on that Tree.
Ensemble 3 does not need to attend rehearsal on Monday (we will be getting to you soon)
Choir will be working on Vocals from 3:45-4:45
Wednesday, February 15th
Ensemble 1, James, Insects will be working on Choreography for Shake it Up
Ensemble 2 will be cleaning up and practicing Money on that Tree
Sponge, Spiker and James will be working on Blocking for Scenes 3 and 4 leading up to Shake it up and Money on that Tree.
Ensemble 3 does not need to come to rehearsal

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