I am happy to report that we actually got more done last week than we had planned. This is exciting news and I hope that we just continue moving onward and upward!! We have a big week planned this week, and I am going to need all cast members at both practices. Last week your child should have come home with a musical CD. Please have your child listen to this CD as much as possible over the next four weeks. That's right I said four weeks. I can't believe it is coming so soon. I know that if we all listen to the music as much as possible and work on our vocals at home, things will really come together. Also starting this week we will be working with Mrs. Hickenlooper and with the choir on both Mondays and Wednesdays on vocals.
This is the plan for this week.
Monday, March 13th
Insects will be cleaning up and practicing all scenes through Scene 8 and Scene 10 leading up to Plump and Juicy
Spiker, Sponge, Ladahlord, Ensemble 2: Scene 9 and I've Got You! We just have to learn the last little bit of the dance and then we will clean things up.
Ensemble 1 & 3: Will be cleaning up their dances as well as working on Vocals with Mrs. Hickenlooper.
The Garden Guild and Reporters will be meeting with costume moms to make sure we have all of their costume pieces.
Choir will meet from 3:45-4:45
Wednesday, March 15th
Insects & Ensemble 1 will be working on Plump & Juicy
Ensemble 2 will be cleaning up Money on that Tree as well as I've Got You! You will also be working with Mrs. Hickenlooper on Vocals.
The Hollywood Agents will be meeting with costume moms to make sure we have all of their costume pieces.
Choir will meet from 3:45-4:45
**One last quick note: If any of you have any costume pieces that you were thinking of using in the show, please bring those pieces to us by Wednesday, March 15th. You do not need to provide pieces for your child's costume, however, we have had many cast members tell us that they have things at home that they were planning on using. I am going to make a big trip to the DI this weekend and I would like to have the most comprehensive list that I can to finish up the rest of the costumes.
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