Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 20th and 22nd

Just a quick reminder to start off with, please remember that I canceled the Thursday rehearsal for this week due to the fact that we have our First Annual Hidden Hollow Arts Festival.  I have had a couple of emails over the last week or so regarding that rehearsal, so I wanted to just remind you that it has been canceled.
It is hard to believe that we only have 5 rehearsals left, 2 this week and 3 next week.  We are really close to finishing up everything and it is looking so good.  This is the part of the process that is the hardest yet most rewarding for all involved.
Here is the plan for this week
Monday, March 20th
James and Insects will be working on blocking of lines leading up to Plump and Juicy as well as choreography for that number.
Ensemble 1 will be working on vocals with Mrs. Hickenlooper for the first hour of practice and then getting together with Insects on Plump and Juicy.
Sponge and Spiker will be blocking a few scenes during the first hour.
Sponge, Spiker, Ladahlord, and Earthworm will be working on Vocals with Mrs. Hickenlooper during the second hour.
Ensemble 2 will be having a final costume fitting and polishing up the opening number as well as Money on That Tree and I've Got You!
I DO NOT need Ensemble 3 to be there on Monday
Wednesday, March 22nd
Ensemble 2 & 3 will be blocking the New York and The Attack scene.
Ensemble 1 will be doing their final costume fitting and practicing costume change from vagrants to weeds.  They will also be working on cleaning up and polishing the opening number, Property of Spiker and Sponge, Shake it Up and Plump and Juicy.
Friday, March 24th
I will be having a leads only rehearsal on Friday (Ladahlord, Spiker, Sponge, James and Insects).  We will be cleaning up our blocking and transitions as well as working on characterization.  I know this rehearsal was not previously on the schedule so please let me know if there are any conflicts.  I know that many of you will be having your math testing for Junior High on Thursday so it will be a long week.  However, I am hoping you can all be there.

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