Thursday, March 26, 2015

A few announcemnts

I have a couple of announcements and clarifications to let you all know about.  First of all a clarification!  Your child should have brought home two complimentary tickets for the musical yesterday or they will be coming home today.  If you haven't seen these, please ask your child about them.  Each family has received two tickets.  On the ticket it says "Complimentary Family Ticket"  This ticket is not used for an entire family, but it is worded that way to indicated that it was a ticket given to the family of a cast, choir or crew member.  If you need additional tickets to bring your whole family, those can be purchased in the front office.  Also, these tickets can be used for one of any of the four performances.
Also, by way of announcement, I will be having a couple of workshops during spring break.  I will choose a couple of days during the break that we can come and meet at the school to work on projects that need to be done.  There will be a painting day where we will paint scenery and props as well as a sewing day where we will be finishing up costumes.  I am thinking the days I will hold these workshops will be Monday and Tuesday, but I want your input.  Please let me know if you would be interested in helping and if Monday and Tuesday are not good days for you. If I don't get any responses I will just assume that Monday and Tuesday work for most of you.  Please note that I would love cast members to come and help, but I also would LOVE parents to come and help as well.  If you are coming to the sewing day and you have your own sewing machine, please bring it to school on that day.  If you don't have a machine or you don't know how to sew, that's ok.  I could use help with cutting as well as hand work!
Thanks again!!! It is all coming so soon!


  1. I can help on Monday and Tuesday during spring break. Mornings are best for me.

  2. We will be out of state for all of spring break, sorry that we won't be able to help. Janae Gonzalez

  3. We will be out of state for all of spring break, sorry that we won't be able to help. Janae Gonzalez
