Sunday, March 29, 2015

It's Getting So Close

I can't believe how close we are getting.  As the time gets closer, I am getting more and more excited and I can tell the kids are too.  We had GREAT rehearsals last week and many members of the cast asked me if we could practice on both Thursday and Friday, they were so excited. 
I am glad to announce that both Robotics and Junior Jazz are over and we won't be dealing with time conflicts any longer.  Because of this; our rehearsals this week will be a little different in terms of time.
Monday:  We will be having a longer rehearsal.  We will begin our rehearsal at 3:30 instead of 4:30, but it will still go until 6:00.  The reason for this being that we need to get through the rest of our battle scene as well as the final number of the show.  The extended time should ensure that we will be able to do this.  I need the entire cast there at the rehearsal.
Wednesday:  Mrs. Hickenlooper will be joining us on Wednesday to brush up on our vocals as well as help us practice singing with the instrumental tracks.  This will happen from 3:45-4:45.  For this portion of the rehearsal, I will need the entire cast as well as the choir.  The choir will be free to go at 4:45.  The cast will need to stay until 6:00 so we go through the final number again as well as the curtain call/bows. 
I know it is somewhat inconvenient to have longer rehearsals, but as we get closer, we just need the time.  You can also expect that as we come back from Spring Break, we will be adding rehearsals to both Tuesday and Thursday.  Please make sure that your child will be able to attend these rehearsals in their entirety.  It is so important that we go through the show all together once, and don't have to reteach and readdress things for one or two cast member.  I know it is a sacrifice for you and them, but I assure you it will be well worth it. 
One last reminder,  If you haven't started practicing with the instrumental tracks, please start doing so.  We don't want to waste Mrs. Hickenlooper's time when she comes on Wednesday.