Saturday, April 23, 2016

It's show time

Thank you all for your support these last few days. I think you'll agree with me that the kids are doing a fabulous job. I received a short video clip from RedXDesign (the company videotaping the show) last night and thought I would share it with all of you. We will be taking video orders through tonight. Click here to access the link.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

One Last Thing

I just made final arrangements with a video imaging company called RedXMedia to come out and videotape the show.  I am really excited with the services that he is going to provide for us.  He will be at the school all day on Saturday and videotape both shows.  He will also do some video of the kids rehearsing, getting ready, and the cast party.  This will all be included on the video along with the show.  If you are interested in ordering a video the cost is $21.00 (this is his whole cost, we are not making any money off of the video).  I have included an order form here.  You can print one out and bring it to the Hidden Hollow office anytime this week.  Or you can pick up an order form at Frontier during any of the rehearsals or performances next week.

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Time Has Finally Arrived

I feel like I have so many things to announce this week, and I will probably forget a few things. Please leave a comment or send a question to my email if this post is unclear or incomplete.
First of all on Friday your child should have come home with a letter with instructions for next weeks practices and performances.  If you have not seen this letter, please click here to access the letter. Attached to the letter was a list of specific clothing items that your child needs for their "playground" outfit that they need to wear prior to their "Wonderland" outfit.  If you have questions about what your child needs to wear, please comment or send me an email.
Second, there is a small discrepancy with times outlined in the letter pertaining to the Saturday schedule.  The Saturday matinee will start at 2:30, not at 2:00.  Therefore we don't need the kids to be at the school until 12:30, rather than 12:00.  Here is the outline again for the practices/performances.
Monday, April 18th: 4:00-8:00
Tuesday, April 19th: 4:00-8:00
Wednesday, April 20th: 4:00-8:00
Friday, April 21st: 4:00-8:00
Saturday, April 23rd: 12:30-8:00
Please make note of a couple of things.  I know that on Monday and Tuesday for our tech rehearsal and dress rehearsal, we will use every minute of that time.  I am a little unsure about the performance nights. The show will start at 6:00 and it is about an hour and 20 minutes.  This means that your child will be done anywhere from 7:30-8:00.  Please know that I will have my cell phone there and am happy to have them call to be picked up early, but we won't have access to a school telephone to call home.  Also, I know this might be difficult due to rides, but if you have a choir member, they don't need to be to the school until 30 minutes after the cast members.  If you only have a child in the choir, please bring them at 4:30 instead of 4:00 and 1:00 instead of 12:30.  If you have a cast and choir member just bring them at the same time.
I know that some of you are concerned about rehearsals being during dinnertime.  Please send snacks and or a sack lunch with your child during the rehearsal/performance times.  On Saturday Chick-Fil-A will be donating lunch/dinner in between the matinee and evening performances.  They might still need a snack or two.  The PTA will also be there selling snacks.
You can still purchase pre-sale tickets in the office at school until Tuesday.  I will also have parents selling tickets at the middle school on Monday and Tuesday.  The pre-sale tickets are $3 for children (any school age child) and $5 for adults.  There is a family ticket you can buy (2 adults and 4 children) for $20.  After Tuesday all tickets are $5 and the family ticket is $25

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Update on our moving day!

I just got word that the Miss. Eagle Mountain pageant will be on both Friday evening and Saturday all day, so we won't be able to be at the middle school until Monday.  I know this is very difficult for most of you since you are probably at work during the day, but we could use all the help we could get on Monday.  We will be meeting at the school at 8:00 (just after A track traffic) and loading trucks.  We will need to bring stuff over to the middle school and get things ready and organized for the kids to arrive by 4:00.  Please if you have access to a truck and or trailer and can have it here at the school at 8:00 Monday morning; or if you can meet us at the Middle school and spend some time with us on Monday to get things organized and ready I would really appreciate it.  Please either let me know via email or comment here on the blog.  You can also pop your head into my classroom Rm. 111 or stop by rehearsal on Wednesday or Thursday to let me know.
Thank you so much and I appreciate your willingness to help out!

Monday, April 11, 2016

A Sign Up Genius Update

I have an unfortunate update to the sign up genius that was sent out over the weekend.  I was notified by the Middle School that we will be unable to take props, sets, and costumes over on Friday afternoon, due to the Miss Eagle Mountain pageant being held that evening.  I am working with Mr. Clark over at the school to see if there is a possibility of bringing things over on Saturday sometime.  If you have signed up for that time slot, please let me know if a change to Saturday works for you or not.  You can send me an email, or just make a comment on the blog.  I will let you all know as soon as I hear back from the Middle School.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

It's Getting So Close

This is going to be a long post, so be patient with me and please read to the very end.  The end is so close and we are all getting so excited for show time.
First of all, I will be sending out papers with each of the cast and choir members indicating what they will need to bring with them to Frontier Middle School.    All of these items were posted in a previous post and you should be aware of them.  Please be aware that we are not at Frontier this week, but we will begin rehearsals there next Monday, April 18th.
Secondly, I am including in this post a link to a Sign Up Genius.  The week at Frontier will be a crazy but fun one, and I need all the help I can get from Parent volunteers.  I CAN NOT do it without you.  Please look over the list of items needed and sign up whenever and wherever you can.  Two of the really important sign ups are for Friday, April 15th (this coming Friday) and Saturday, April 23rd (after the final show), we need parents with Trucks, Vans and or Trailers to take everything over to the middle school and bring it back.  We have a lot of items (big and small) that need transported.  I know this seems like a lot of hassle and hard work, but we are so grateful to have such wonderful facilities so close to us to perform in.  Per our contract with the Middle School, we need to have everything out on Saturday night.  Just remember Many Hands make Light Work :).
Click HERE to access the Sign Up Genius
Lastly,  here is the schedule for this week:
Monday, April 11th, Wednesday, April 13th and Thursday, April 14th
All Cast, Crew and Choir members.
These days we will be running over and over the show (fixing and refining) things to get ready for the show.  We will be using all of the props, sets and most of the costumes that we have.

I guess this wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be.  Thank you all so much for what you do to help, and for sharing your AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, and TALENTED children with me.  It has been so much fun to watch them all grow in confidence as they develop and improve upon their talents.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Break

We will not be having practices this week due to Sprung Break. However, we will be having a couple of work days to finish up last minute costumes, sets, and props. If you are available we could use some help this week on Tuesday and Thursday at Hidden Hollow. We will be meeting at the school at 10:00. If you want to stay and work on projects that would be great, or if you would like to pick something up to work on at home and bring back to us, that would be fine too.
Also, if you are a local business owner or you know local business owners who would be interested in advertising in our program please let me know. We are looking to finalize the programs and get them printed on April 11th so I will need to have their information prior to that date. You can either comment on this post or email me if you are interested in advertising. Thanks again.