Sunday, January 28, 2018

January 29th and 31st

Well the opening number is almost done, and in true Mrs. Patin fashion it is SPECTACULAR!!  The kids are really enjoying themselves and learning so fast.
Here is the plan for this week's rehearsals.
Monday, January 29th:  We will be finishing up and polishing up some things in the opening number  so I do need all cast members to attend rehearsal.
Wednesday, January 31st:  We will be working on Wild and Free.  I know that on the Show Numbers paper that we passed out at the parent meeting it says the Entire Cast.  While this is true, I don't need Ensemble 2 to attend rehearsal on Wednesday.  The majority of the number will involve the leads and ensemble 1, and we will put ensemble 2 in on Monday, February 5th.  I do want the penguins to come both days so they can work on characterization with Mrs. Fulton. 

I will be ordering musical t shirts on Tuesday, February 6th.  Please make sure you have paid your donation prior to this date.  I am aware that it's not always convenient to shell out an extra $30+ and that many of us including myself have to budget and wait for payday.   As a team we are really on top of things this year and have purchased the bulk of things that we need for sets, props, costumes.  In saying that, we have spent a lot of the money that we've collected.  I just want to make sure that we have enough in our musical account to pay for the t shirts.  Thanks for your support in this way.
Please remember that the t shirts are covered with the donation.  You do not need to pay any extra for them.  However, if you are interested in purchasing any extra t shirts for yourself or other family members I would LOVE that.  There will be a cost of $8.00 for each additional shirt ordered (XXL or larger are $10.00).  If you would like to order extra shirts please email me with the following information:  size of shirt, name of cast or choir member, and whether you want the cast names or choir names on the back of your shirt.  Please send your emails prior to the February 6th date. 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

January 22nd and 24th

I know I've said this before, but I am super impressed with the progress we have made in just a few rehearsals.  Never before have we been learning harmonies in the first week.  And never before have we been able to practice our vocals with the instrumental tracks in the first week!  A big hats off to all of you and to Mrs. Hickenlooper and Mrs. Slack.  (I hope you're not sick of the songs yet 😍)
I talked to the kids on Wednesday about being "off script" on each number prior to us learning the choreography for that number.  Tomorrow and Wednesday we will be learning the choreography for "Showtime" the opening number.  There is no need for your kids to bring their scripts since we will be dancing.  Please make sure they are strong and confident on their vocals and spoken lines (if applicable) so that we can be off script by tomorrow afternoon's rehearsal.
Just a reminder that Mondays rehearsals will be from 4:30-6:30.  This gives your child plenty of time to go home, get a snack, and rest before coming to rehearsal.  Please have them wear comfortable clothes and shoes so they can dance both tomorrow and Wednesday.
Also, I am currently waiting for price quotes on a couple of different t shirt designs.  I would love to have the t shirts ordered the first week of February (by February 5th).  In saying this, I have collected donations from half of you up to this point.  I will be ordering a total of 200+ t shirts which adds up quickly (It will cost approximately $1,300.  In saying this, I will not be able to order the shirts until I have the majority of donations collected.  If you haven't sent in your donation, I would appreciate it if you could do so as soon as possible.  I understand that there are/can be extenuating circumstances that would prevent some of you from making a donation.  If this is the case, please send me an email.  You can send a check made out to Hidden Hollow Elementary to rehearsal with your child, you can send cash or you can come into the office and pay Linda with a credit/debit card. 
Thank you again for all of your help and support. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018


 It looks like we will be selling snacks at rehearsals after all.  This will be an excellent opportunity for us to earn a little extra money so that we will be able to buy another storage shed to store costumes and props.  I know I said I would wait until Friday, but I have had a large number of parents surveyed already and I don't think the results will change much in the next day. 
I am looking for 2 parents who would be willing to come in for about an hour and sell snacks at rehearsals.  Please sign up for one or multiple time slots that you are available for. Click here to find the sign up genius.   Our best time for selling snacks is right before rehearsal starts.  Please plan on being there from 4:00-5:00 on Mondays and 3:15-4:15 on Wednesdays (and Thursdays when they start).
Thank you so much for your willingness to help. 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Let's Get This Party Started

I am so excited to get started on Hidden Hollow's production of Madagascar.  I am overwhelmed with the number of you who came to the parent meeting, and especially overwhelmed with the number of kids that would like to participate in our choir.  I had several parents come and sign up for choir on Friday (after the meeting) and I lost track of who got paperwork and who didn't.  For this reason I am posting the information here.  I also want to have a digital copy of the cast paperwork available for all of you as well.  If you would like to download a copy of the paperwork for the cast please click here.
For this week I need ALL cast members here both on Monday and on Wednesday.  There was a little bit of confusion about times, even after the meeting.  I have to apologize for this.  Monday rehearsals will be from 4:30-6:30 and Wednesday rehearsals will be from 3:45-5:45.  When we start Thursday rehearsals in March, they will also be from 3:45-5:45. 
For this week please make sure your child comes with their script/songbook.  We will be reading through the entire show on Monday and then working on learning vocals on Wednesday.
Also, be aware that the PTA will not be selling treats/snacks before rehearsal, so please send a snack with your child.  A water bottle would be a great idea as well!