Thursday, December 17, 2015

Songs to Practice

I have had some questions regarding the music so I thought I would clarify here instead of responding to comments or emails.  I changed the links and you should be able to access them now.  Also I have included character names next to the songs so you know which song(s) your child needs to practice.  When it says Company, that means everybody!  Please have fun and enjoy your break!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Alice In Wonderland Music

We are so excited to get started with Alice in Wonderland, Jr.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the music and am happy to share it with you here.  Click on the song title to access the song  Please listen to the tracks and learn the music. (Especially the songs your character will be singing).  If you have problems accessing the songs, please let me know.

Dodgesonland Part 1- Alice and Company
Dodgesonland Part 2- Alice and Company
I'm Late- White Rabbit & Company
Very Good Advice- Alice & Company
Ocean of Tears- Dodo Bird/Rock Lobsters/Creatures
The Caucus Race- Dodo Bird/Small Alice/Rock Lobsters/Creatures
I'm Late (Reprise)- White Rabbit 
How D'ye Do and Shake Hands- Tweedle Dee/Tweedle Dum/Alice & Company
How D'ye Do (Reprise)-Tweedle Dee/Tweedle Dum
The Golden Afternoon- All Flowers
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah- Caterpillar/ Small Alice/ Company
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (Playoff)- Company
The Unbirthday Song (Part 1)- Mad Hatter & Company
The Unbirthday Song (Part 2)- Mad Hatter/ March Hare/Alice & Company
I'm Late (Reprise)- White Rabbit & Company
Painting The Roses Red- Cardsmen/ Alice
Painting The Roses Red (Reprise)- Queen of Hearts/ Cardsmen
Simon Says (Part 1)- Queen of Hearts
Simon Says (Part 2)- Queen of Hearts/ Cardsmen
The Unbirthday Song (Reprise)- Mad Hatter/Queen of Hearts/ King & Company
Whooooo Are Youuuuu?- Small Alice/ Tweedles/ Flowers/ Tall Alice/ White Rabbit/ Queen of Hearts/ Company
Alice in Wonderland (Finale)-  Company
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (Bows)-  Company

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Ready, Set, GO!!!

We are so excited to be doing this again.  I have honestly been looking forward to, and planning for this since closing night on the Jungle Book last April.
Some of you were involved last year with Jungle Book and to all of you I say Welcome Back.  Some of you are trying out Hidden Hollow's Musical Theater program for the first time and to you I say Welcome!   I am overwhelmed and I love to hear all the buzz going on at school about our upcoming production.
For this first post, I thought I would give you a few bits of information that hopefully will answer many questions you have as well as helping you to make an informed decision on whether our production of Alice in Wonderland will be a good fit for you and your child.
1.  Auditions will be held next week on Thursday (10th) and Friday(11th) from 4-7.  The flyer said that auditions will be "workshop" style so I thought I would explain what that means.  On Thursday we will spend time working on a scene from the musical as well as a small clip from one of the songs.  This will happen from 4:00-5:30.  At 5:30 we will begin auditioning the kids in groups of 4 or 5.  They will perform the scene as well as sing the song as a group.  Once they are finished auditioning, they are free to go home.  On Friday, we will be teaching the kids a dance from the show.  This will take place from 4:00-5:30 and again we will audition the kids in small groups until 7:00.
2.  Casting will be posted on Wednesday, December 16th.  The reason for the early auditions and casting is to give the cast a chance to go over the script, listen to the music and do a couple of short character assignments over the break.  If your child doesn't make the cast, please keep in mind that we will be forming a choir and we would love to have all kids join the choir.
3.  On January 6th @ 5:00(after the break), we will be having a parent meeting.  During this meeting we will be going over the musical disclosure, answering questions, ordering t-shirts, and taking donations.   Donations are as follows:
     One cast member: $30.00
     Two cast members $50.00
     One choir member $15.00
     Two choir members $25.00
     One cast member and one choir member $40.00
At the parent meeting, we will also have a sign up for the choir.
4.  Rehearsals will start on Monday, January 11th.  Rehearsals will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30.
5.  The show dates will be April 20th, 22nd, and 23rd.
Thanks again for your interest.  I hope this post answers a lot of your questions.  If you still have questions, please comment on this post and I will respond as quickly as I can.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Week We've All Been Waiting For!!!

It's finally here.  It has been fun to walk around the school the last week and feel the energy and excitement buzzing around about the opening of The Jungle Book.  The cast and crew are all excited, the student body and faculty are excited, and I can hardly wait.
This is going to be a long post, so sit back and relax while I bombard you will a ton of information.
Here is the schedule for this week.
For rehearsals this week you will need to coordinate with others to get your child to and from Frontier Middle School.
Monday:  4:00-6:00ish
Rehearsal at Frontier
This will be a dress rehearsal of sorts.  We will be wearing our costumes and have all of our props without makeup.  During this rehearsal the most important thing that will happen is we will be working with the Frontier techs to figure out lighting, mics and sound.  We will run through the show as many times as possible during this rehearsal.
Tuesday: 4:00-7:30ish  Please have choir kids there by 5:00
Dress Rehearsal at Frontier
This rehearsal will be a little longer due to the fact that we will need to get in and do make up on all the cast members before we have our dress rehearsal.  This will give our cast and technical support a chance to see realistically how much time we have to get ready.  Please send your child with personal items in a bag or backpack for them to get ready.  For example, a hairbrush, curling iron, comb, etc.  We have face paint that we will be doing on most of the characters.  If your child is in the choir, please send them in blue jeans and their Jungle Book t-shirts.  Also, if you could put basic a little bit of blush on their cheeks that would be great.  Please follow this protocol for all the performances.
Wednesday: 4:00-7:30ish, Please have choir kids there by 5:00
Opening Night
Please have your child to the school by 4:00.  We will need to begin getting on make up and doing hair.  Again bring your personal items in a back pack or small bag with your child's name on them.  If you are planning on attending the performance on Wednesday, you will be able to take your child home after they have changed out of their costumes.  If you are not planning on attending the performance, I would plan on picking them up by 7:30.  If we are earlier than that, they will have access to a phone to call.
Thursday:  We do not have a night time performance on Thursday, however, we will be doing a short assembly for the students.  This assembly will consist of The Bare Necessities, I Wan'na Be Like You, Shere Khan, The Battle and the Finale.  These numbers include all of the cast, including the choir.  Because we are doing the assembly in the morning (9:30) I will need all cast members to school and in my classroom by 8:00 to start getting ready.  This is where it gets tricky.  If your child is an A tracker, they will need to come to school, check in with their teacher and then come to my room.  After the assembly, they will have a normal day in their classroom.  If your child is a B tracker, they will need to come at 8:00 and just come right to my classroom.  They will also have a normal day after the assembly (this includes staying through B track time).  I know it is a little unfair for the B track students, but these are the arrangements Mr. Tillman made with me.  It is a little less confusing and challenging for their teachers to keep track of.  Finally, the choir members do not need to come to my classroom until after B track recess.  They will need to wear their Jungle Book t-shirts to school.
Friday: 4:00-7:30ish  Please have choir kids there by 5:15
Friday will be exactly like Wednesday.
Saturday: 1:00-7:30ish  Please have choir kids there by 2:15
Saturday will be a long day for us.  At 1:00 we will begin getting ready for our 3:00 performance.  After the 3:00 performance we will be having a small cast party with pizza and cake.  Then we will begin getting ready for our 6:00 performance.  If any of you are able to stay a little later after the performance to help us clean up and get everything ready to bring back to our school, I would really appreciate it. 
I know this post is a little long, so thank you for reading all the way through the end.  I have one last bit of information.  I have hired a company to do a professional video recording of the show.  This will allow you to all enjoy the play without having to sit behind a video camera, phone or tablet.  His company does not however prevent you from doing your own recording if you want.  He will be selling copies of the video at the performances.  He will not charge us money for coming out and videotaping, however, he requires a minimum of 25 orders ($500.00 in sales).  If we don't reach that amount, we will need to compensate him the difference.  Each DVD will cost $20.00.  This price compensates him for his time in producing the video.  We will have order forms at the Junior High starting on Monday during dress rehearsal.  If you are interested in ordering a video, please pick up an order form and turn it in at the ticket table. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Get Ready, Get Set, Here We Come!!!

This is our last week of rehearsals!!!  I can't believe it.  Thank you to all of you who came over Spring Break to help with sets, props and costumes.  We really did get a lot done and it really is coming together.  If you are still willing to help out at home, we do have a couple of sewing projects that still need to be done this week!  These are simple projects, so if you are able, please leave a message or email me and let me know.  I really would appreciate it.
Also, I have a sign up genius for the nights/days leading up to and including performance dates.  I will need a lot of help the week of April 20th-25th, so please click here to sign up.
This week we will be practicing Monday-Thursday.  The rehearsals will include everybody cast and choir.  These rehearsals will begin at 3:30 and go until 5:30.  Please have your child attend each rehearsal for the entire time.  I know that there are probably many conflicts with this new schedule, however we have a lot to work on and not a lot of time.
I am really grateful for all of your help and your dedication to this musical.  We can see the finish line and it is so close!  Thanks for your continuing support.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Work Week

There won't be any rehearsals this week however we are going to have two work days.
Monday: we will be working in sets and props. We have a lot of little projects to get finished and could use all the help we can get. I will be at the school at 9:30 and should be there until about 3ish. Please come anytime and stay for as long as you can. My hope is that we get all the sets and props done for our last couple of rehearsals.
Tuesday: this will be our sewing day. If you don't sew but you are willing to help we still need you. If you do sew and you want to bring your machine we will have work for you too. We have a lot of little things to work on to finish up costumes.  We have projects big and small.   Again we will begin around 9:30 and will finish up around 3ish.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Hello Parents!
I am so proud of all the cast and crew that have been involved in the musical this year.  They have worked so hard and I am continually impressed with their talent as well as their work ethic.  They have made this such an enjoyable experience for me.  I will be sad when it is all over.  
This week and next I will be selling space in the programs for you to leave a short, congratulatory note to your child.  The cost will be $5.00 and you can write a short message (approximately 30 words long).  I will be sending all of the program information to Rebecca Gagnier for design and printing of the program by the end of spring break.  Please email me your message by Wednesday, April 8th if you are interested in having it printed in our program.  You can also send your money to the school by Monday, April 13th. 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

It's Getting So Close

I can't believe how close we are getting.  As the time gets closer, I am getting more and more excited and I can tell the kids are too.  We had GREAT rehearsals last week and many members of the cast asked me if we could practice on both Thursday and Friday, they were so excited. 
I am glad to announce that both Robotics and Junior Jazz are over and we won't be dealing with time conflicts any longer.  Because of this; our rehearsals this week will be a little different in terms of time.
Monday:  We will be having a longer rehearsal.  We will begin our rehearsal at 3:30 instead of 4:30, but it will still go until 6:00.  The reason for this being that we need to get through the rest of our battle scene as well as the final number of the show.  The extended time should ensure that we will be able to do this.  I need the entire cast there at the rehearsal.
Wednesday:  Mrs. Hickenlooper will be joining us on Wednesday to brush up on our vocals as well as help us practice singing with the instrumental tracks.  This will happen from 3:45-4:45.  For this portion of the rehearsal, I will need the entire cast as well as the choir.  The choir will be free to go at 4:45.  The cast will need to stay until 6:00 so we go through the final number again as well as the curtain call/bows. 
I know it is somewhat inconvenient to have longer rehearsals, but as we get closer, we just need the time.  You can also expect that as we come back from Spring Break, we will be adding rehearsals to both Tuesday and Thursday.  Please make sure that your child will be able to attend these rehearsals in their entirety.  It is so important that we go through the show all together once, and don't have to reteach and readdress things for one or two cast member.  I know it is a sacrifice for you and them, but I assure you it will be well worth it. 
One last reminder,  If you haven't started practicing with the instrumental tracks, please start doing so.  We don't want to waste Mrs. Hickenlooper's time when she comes on Wednesday.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A few announcemnts

I have a couple of announcements and clarifications to let you all know about.  First of all a clarification!  Your child should have brought home two complimentary tickets for the musical yesterday or they will be coming home today.  If you haven't seen these, please ask your child about them.  Each family has received two tickets.  On the ticket it says "Complimentary Family Ticket"  This ticket is not used for an entire family, but it is worded that way to indicated that it was a ticket given to the family of a cast, choir or crew member.  If you need additional tickets to bring your whole family, those can be purchased in the front office.  Also, these tickets can be used for one of any of the four performances.
Also, by way of announcement, I will be having a couple of workshops during spring break.  I will choose a couple of days during the break that we can come and meet at the school to work on projects that need to be done.  There will be a painting day where we will paint scenery and props as well as a sewing day where we will be finishing up costumes.  I am thinking the days I will hold these workshops will be Monday and Tuesday, but I want your input.  Please let me know if you would be interested in helping and if Monday and Tuesday are not good days for you. If I don't get any responses I will just assume that Monday and Tuesday work for most of you.  Please note that I would love cast members to come and help, but I also would LOVE parents to come and help as well.  If you are coming to the sewing day and you have your own sewing machine, please bring it to school on that day.  If you don't have a machine or you don't know how to sew, that's ok.  I could use help with cutting as well as hand work!
Thanks again!!! It is all coming so soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Instrumental Music

So starting Next Week we will begin to practice the show from beginning to end with the instrumental music.  From here on out when practicing the music at home, please listen to the instrumental tracks of the songs.  Also, it would be a great idea to practice the dances with the instrumental music at home as well that way when we practice at school, we will be more used to it. 
Here they are!!!!
Jungle Prologue
Kaa the Snake
Trust in Me
Night Into Day
Colonel Hathi's March
Baloo the Bear
The Bare Necessities
Monkey Business
I Wan'na Be Like You
I Wan'na Be Like You (Reprise)
Shere Khan the Tiger
Mowgli Runs
That's What Friends Are For
The Battle
The Bare Necessities (Finale)
I Wan'na Be Like You (Bows)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 23rd and 25th

This week w are going to begin selling tickets in the front office. Each family that is participating in the musical will receive two complimentary tickets that can be used for any one of the four performances. Those will be passed out at rehearsal on Wednesday.  For any additional tickets you will need to purchase those in the front office during school hours. You will also be able to purchase tickets at the door. All tickets are general admission tickets. The prices are as follows:
Adult tickets are $5.00
Student tickets are $3.00 ( a student includes any elementary, junior high or high school student)
Children under 3 are free
We will also be selling a family ticket that includes a family of 6 (children or adults) for $20.00
Please let your friends and family know that tickets will be sold for the next two weeks before spring break as well as the week after spring break before our performance dates.
Rehearsals this week will be as follows:
Monday:  We will be working on Mowgli runs as well as That's What Friends are For. This requires the entire cast.  This rehearsal will be from 4:30-6:00. I know this interferes with Robotics but we'll just have to make it work for one last time.
Wednesday:  We will be working on the Battle scene which will also require the entire cast from 4:00-5:30.   I also want the choir there from 4:00-5:00.
Thanks again. We are getting so close.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

March 16th and 18th

We have only 8 more rehearsals before we are rehearsing and performing on the stage at Frontier Middle School. The time has gone so fast and we have worked so hard. Here is our schedule for this week.
Monday:  I have been picking up a ton of material and clothing items for the last couple of weeks and I need to take inventory. I would like the cast to come tomorrow starting at 3:45 to get fitted for costumes. I do not need choir for this. Regular rehearsal will begin at 4:30. I need the entire cast at rehearsal from 4:30 until 6:00. We are going to be running through Shere Khan and Mowgli runs.
Wednesday:  again I will need the entire cast at rehearsal from 4:00-5:30. We will be working on that's what friends are for. I also want the choir to come on Wednesday from 4:00-5:00. If they need to stay until 5:30 to wait for a sibling or carpool ride just let me know. I do not need choir there for Mondays rehearsal.
Thanks again for all your hard work and support. Things are really coming together.

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 10th and 11th

This week we are going to polish up the first half of the show.  This is the schedule for this week.
Tuesday: From 4;00-4:45 we are going to be working on two new songs that are in the first half of the show.  We are going to be working on Night Into Day.  This song involves the jungle; trees, bushes, plants, rocks, Shanti, and flowers.  I also would like the K-2 grade choir to come to rehearsal to put them together with the cast.  The choir will need to stay for the whole time (4:00-5:30).  We are also going to be working on Monkey Business.  For this number we will be also be needing the same members of the Jungle. I will need to have Kaa and The Elephants to come to rehearsal from 4:45-5:30.  I don't need the monkeys to come to rehearsal on Tuesday, but they will need to come on Wednesday.
Wednesday: Mrs. Patin will be working with Baloo, King Louie, and Monkeys 1, 2, and 3 and other monkeys  on The Reprise of I Wan'na be like you.  Mrs. King will be working with Shere Khan, Baloo, Bagheera and Mowgli  on the Shere Khan song.  I would like the choir to come to this rehearsal as well, so we can polish up these songs.   The choir only needs to stay from 4:00-5:00 on Wednesday.  Members of the Jungle do not need to come to this rehearsal, however, I do need Shanti and her flowers to come and work on their flowers with Miss. Ovard during the rehearsal time.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Wednesday Rehearsal

I am excited to announce that we have worked through about 90% of the first half of the show.  The blocking of characters, and dancers has all been completed.  Tomorrow's rehearsal will be used to go through the first half of the show and to fine tune things.  I need all members of the cast to be there from 4:00-5:30.  There will be some down time for some of the characters, so if they could come with a book to read or something to do while we work through some of the kinks, that would be great.  I don't need the choir to be there tomorrow.  I also just noticed that we have a scheduled rehearsal for Friday on the original calendar that I passed out.  I am going to skip rehearsal for Friday and we will meet again on Tuesday of next week.  (There will be no rehearsal on Monday due to the fact that it is a non-school day for all students).  Also, as a reminder, please plan on attending the parent meeting tomorrow night from 6:00-6:30.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 2nd and 4th

There are a couple of houskeeping items I need to address this week.  First of all the rehearsals are going great.  We are working so hard and I am sure this is going to be a great show.  On Friday morning, the PTA came to me stating that we had collected $1400.00 for the musical and we have spent $1600.00 already (This includes $570.00 for the play rights and $614.00 for t shirts).  After I panicked, I spent a good portion of that night going through the cast and choir list and figuring out how much money we should have collected vs. the amount of money we have collected.  There is a difference of about $900.00.  I  know I sound like a broken record, but we really can't pay for all the things we need to pay for without donations.  I understand that some of you are not able to donate.  If this is the case, please let me know and I can bring that information to the PTA.  They are willing to cover the kids that can't donate, we just need to know.  If it was an oversight, please bring me the money as soon as you can.  In saying all of this, I will be passing out t-shirts in the next couple of days to those who I have donations from.  I know this sounds harsh, but I need to either have the donation, or know that your child is one that needs to be covered by PTA before I hand out the shirts.  This is just another way for me to take inventory as well.  I am grateful to all of you who are being so patient with me.  Please keep in mind that this is our first year and there will be many bumps in the road.  I am already taking note of things that work and don't work for next year.
Also, I have bought/collected a lot of materials needed for costumes.  I know that many of you are willing to help with this aspect of the show.  I will be holding a parent meeting in conjunction with the PTA meeting that is scheduled for this Wednesday.  The PTA meeting is scheduled to start at 6:30 and the musical parent meeting will be from 6:00-6:30.  Please plan on attending this meeting, as I would love to send home materials for you to work on and bring back.

The rehearsal schedule this week will be as follows:
Monday: 4:30-6:00  We will be working on several different things on Monday.  Mrs. Patin will be working with Kaa.  Mrs. King will be working with the elephants (including Colonel Hathi and Baby Elephant).  I will be working with the main characters in the first part of the show; including Mowgli, Bagheera, Kaa, and Baloo.  Miss. Ovard will be working with Shanti and her girls in making their flowers.  We do not need members of the jungle to be here that day.
Wednesday:  4:00-5:30  We will need all members of the cast on Wednesday to go through the first half of the show.  This includes all jungle members.  I am considering having the choir come for this rehearsal as well, however I need to see how much we get done on Monday before I decide.  Choir parents, will you please check the blog sometime on Tuesday to see if there are changes made concerning the choir.
Thanks again for your support and patience.  I LOVE working with your children and I hope it is turning out to be as great of an experience for them as it has been already for me!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 23rd and 25th Rehearsals

We are so excited to get started with blocking of the first half of the show.  It is all coming so quickly and we have all been working so hard.  This week we have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it.  Due to so many of you being involved with the Robotics club, I am going to permanently change Monday rehearsals to start at 4:30 instead of 4:00.  I know this doesn't involve all of you, but it involves enough of you that it will make our time together more effective.
The schedule for this week is:
Monday we will be going through the Jungle Prologue.  We need the jungle, Shanti and girls, wolves, Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera, Shere Khan, monkeys (except King Louie and Old Monkey), Baby Elephant, vultures and bees.
Tuesday we will be working on Kaa the Snake and Trust in Me.  We need Bagheera, Mowgli, Shanti and girls, Kaa, bushes, trees, rocks, bees and vultures.
This will take us through the first 4 scenes in the play.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wednesday Rehearsal

Yesterday, I posted that I needed all monkeys and King Louie to come to rehearsal.  We will be working on the "I Want to Be Like You" song and dance.  Mrs. Debbie Wood will also be coming to the school on Wednesday afternoon to help some of the cast make some props for the "Bare Necessities" song.  If you are a jungle member, please come to rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon.  Although you won't be practicing your song, you will be helping us make your props.  This will be a lot of fun and if you all come, we can get a lot of work done rather quickly.  Also, Mrs. Debbie would like a couple of parents to come and help her out.  If you are able and willing to come and help, please let me know.

Monday, February 16, 2015

February 17th, 18th and 20th

This is one of our rare weeks where we have 3 rehearsals in same week.  We are going to finish up choreography this week and then start blocking next week.  This is the schedule for this week.
Tuesday, February 17th and Wednesday, February 18th:  We will be working on the "I Want to be Like You" choreography.  This is a really long song with a lot of choreography so we will be working on it for two days.  The characters who need to be there are:
Mowgli, Baloo, King Louie, Old Monkey, Monkeys 1, 2 & 3 and all other monkeys.
On Friday, February 20th, we will be doing a review of all three dances. 
3:30-4:15, I need all Elephant Troupe, Colonel Hathi and Baby Elephant and Mowgli.
4:15-5:00, I need the Jungle (rocks, plants, bushes, bees, Shanti, village girls/flowers, wolves and vultures, and trees), Mowgli, Baloo.
4:45-5:45, I need all Mowgli, Baloo, King Louie, Old Monkey, Monkeys 1, 2, & 3 and all other monkeys.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


First of all, I want to let all of you know how wonderful all of your children are.  Everytime we have rehearsal, I get so excited about the show.  They are all so talented and amazing
I want to clarify a couple of things so that in the future, there is less confusion.  You should all have a calendar of rehearsal dates (if you don't, please send your child to my classroom to pick one up).  These are the dates we will be working on one or more parts of the show.  Not all members of the cast and choir will need to be at all rehearsals, therefore, I will post on Sunday nights who will need to be at each rehearsal for the week.  I know there has been some confusion concerning these posts.  Please let me clarify.
1.  When I identify rehearsals for all cast, that means all 3-6 graders who have a part in the play.
2.  When I identify rehearsals for choir, that means all K-2 graders who are singing in the choir.
3.  When I identify rehearsals for the jungle, that means rocks, plants, bushes, bees, Shanti, village girls/flowers, wolves and vultures, and trees.
4.  When I identify rehearsals for monkeys, I mean King Louie, Old Monkey, Monkey 1, Monkey 2, Monkey 3 and all other extra monkeys.
5.  When I identify rehearsals for elephants, that includes, Colonel Hathi, Baby Elephant, and all other dancing elephants.
6.  When I identify rehearsals for leads, that includes Mowgli, Bagheera, Baloo, Colonel Hathi, Kaa (1-6), King Louie, Shanti, Shere Khan (There will be times when I call a rehearsal for the Jungle and then some, not all of the leads as well).
I hope this clears some things up for you.
Also, I know that this week, I planned a rehearsal for a different time.  I did this so that we could have more time to get to all that we need to get to.  Please know that I will try not to do this.  Also, please be aware that on your calendar, Monday rehearsals are scheduled from 4:00-5:30.  I am going to change these Monday times only to 4:30-6:00 unless otherwise specified.  I was aware that many of your children are also involved in the Robotics club on Mondays, however, I was unaware of how many of our leads would be at Robotics from 4:00-4:30.  I just feel it will be a better use of time to start a little later and have everybody be there.
One last thing!  I know I am being a little long winded.  If you haven't sent your donation for the musical, please do this as soon as possible.  I have just ordered the t-shirts and that ate a big chunk of the money I have collected.  I am starting to buy/make a lot of the sets and props that we need and I know the money will go quickly.  I don't want to be a nag about this, but it will be impossible to pay for everything that we need to, if we don't have the donations in.  If you have questions or concerns about this, please message me privately at
Thanks so much, and again, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

February 9th and 11th.

I hope that things start getting less confusing as we are able to get on a normal schedule. This week we will be having rehearsals on Monday and Wednesday. I would like to start at 3:30 on Monday with the entire cast. The plan is to read through all the lines and go through the songs from the beginning of the show to the end. This should take us until about 4:30. At 4;30 we will just need the elephant troupe, Baby elephant Mowgli, and Bagheera to stay for the elephant dance. This should be from about 4:30-5:30.
On Wednesday we will be working on the Bare Necessities dance. We need the entire jungle, Baloo, Mowgli, Bagheera, and monkeys for this one. It will be from 4:00-5:30.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Feb 2 &3 Rehearsals

We will have regular rehearsal for this Monday.  The cast will need to meet in Mrs. Hickenlooper's classroom and the choir will meet in Mrs. Coombs classroom.  Rehearsal will be from 4:00-5:30.
Rehearsal time on Tuesday will be the same, however we will be dividing up into groups. We do not need the choir to come that day.  Everyone else will need to meet in Mrs. Coombs classroom at 4:00.  Mrs. Hickenlooper will need to work with small groups on their solos, and will be pulling you out for individualized help.
The following is the schedule for individualized help on Tuesday:
4:00-4:15: Baby Elephant, Coloniel Hathi and Elephant Troupe
4:15-4:30: Baloo, Bagheera and Mowgli
4:30-4:45: Shanti and Flowers (Shanti girls)
4:45-5:00: King Louie, Old Monkey, Monkey 1, Monkey 2, all other monkeys
5:00-5:15: All Kaas (1-6)
5:15-5:30: Bees, Vultures, Wolves

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Disclosures and T-Shirt Orders

I hope that some of you see this before rehearsal today.  If you don't that is fine.  I am wanting to collect your disclosure documents and t-shirt orders as soon as possible.  If you are able, could you please bring both of these with you to rehearsal today.  I am wanting to get the t-shirts ordered soon.  Also, thank you to many of you who paid  your donation money on Monday.  If you haven't done this yet, please bring it as soon as possible.  If you weren't able to make it to the meeting or rehearsal on Monday, you will need to pick up a packet of papers from me. 
Thank you and I am so excited to rehearse today!!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Our First Rehersal

Well today went really well.  Just a few notes for today.  We are all learning right?  Today we all met in Mrs. Hickenloopers classroom to learn the songs.  For Thursday's rehearsal we will be splitting up.  The cast of 3-6 graders will meet in Mrs. Hickenloopers classroom and the choir K-2 will be in Mrs. Coombs classroom.  Breaking kids up this way will help with individualized help.  Please note that rehearsal is from 4:00-5:30 and we need all the time we can get.  Mrs. Hickenlooper has told all the members of the cast and choir to practice the songs for approximately 20 minutes a day.  I am working on getting the music online.  Please download the songs and if you are able to make a CD that would be great.  Play the music as much as you can in the car and at home so the words and the songs become automatic.  We only have 4 whole group choir rehearsals before we start choreography.  We need these songs to become so automatic that they can sing and dance at the same time.  Thanks again for all you do at home.

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Fun Begins

The process of auditions has been a very exciting and overwhelming one for all of us involved.  I am so impressed with all of you and your hard word and dedication to this musical already.  I am overwhelmed with the amount of talent here at Hidden Hollow, and I am excited to get started.  Please know that we worked long and hard on the casting process. No decision was made lightly, and without much discussion.  Also know that all parts are important and each cast member will play a vital part in the overall show.   Without further adieu, introducing the cast of Hidden Hollow's production of The Jungle Book:

Mowgli:       Kya Hobody  
King Louie:   Owen Fulton
Bagheera:    Ginger Moimoi 
Baloo:        Griffin Slack 
Shere Khan: Lily Aranda 
Colonel Hathi: Maryssa Straw 
Kaa:          1 Lyvia Ford 
              2 Leslie Smuin
              3 Josh Straw
              4 Alyse Barrett
              5 Josh Stone
              6 Gabe Smuin
Baby Elephant: Lily Gagnier
Shanti/Coconut Tree: Paige Anderson
Old Monkey:  Zelinn Fiore
Elephant Troupe:
    Ben Sadler, Kelsey Gray, Elle Scott,
    Maigen Clawson, Holly Sweigant,
    Nikole Sweigart, Isabella Gunderson,
    Echo Burbano, Carly Taylor
1.                   Dannika Peterson
2.                  Jaxen Nichols
3.                  Chloe Robinson
    Meghan Lentini, Natasha, Abby Spencer,
    Libby Richards, Mallory Richards,
    Isabella Peterson, Bella Hipol
Village girls/Flowers: Lilia Wiggins, Tally Tanner, Hannah Coombs, Maya Fulton, Talia Fulton, Lizzy Sampson, Saimy Escalante
Prickley Pears:
    Maile Nigh, Kaie Meister
Rocks: Alex Curley, Grace Maw, Mary Watt
Plants: Hannah Huntington, Kaitlyn Bjornberg
        Rebecca Rawlings
Bushes: Catherine Thayne, Kristina Mejicaunos
         Parley Hall, Natalie Dixon
Bees:   Marlie Anderson, Madison Turner,
         Victoria Seda,
Trees:   Kortney Gray, Kelsey Larson
Wolves: Kaydee Householder, Molly Ferre,
         Lilly Ferguson, Avery Ferguson
Vultures: Shaylee McLachlan, Aubrey Gonzalez, Asher Sorenson

We are excited to see you all on Monday!!! 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Audition Information

I am realizing as the time goes on how many questions I have left unanswered in my attempt to get information out there to all of you regarding the auditions for the musical. (Please be patient with me as this is my first time doing this).  I am hoping that this post will answer many if not all of your questions.

Next week will be the auditions for our production of The Jungle Book.  Auditions are for 3-6 graders only.  If you have a k-2nd grader who is interested in participating in the choir, there will be a sign up for the choir on Monday, January 26th at 3:30, right before the first rehearsal. Auditions will be held on two separate days.  Please plan on attending both days of auditions.  On Friday, January 16th at 4:30 in the gym we will be holding dance auditions, then on Saturday the 17th at 9:30am we will be holding singing and acting auditions.  Please have your child prepare a song to sing for these auditions.  If they need accompaniment, you will need to bring a digital copy of their music.  Your child does not need to prepare a dance for the dance auditions. If your family already has out of town plans for the long weekend, please comment on this post to let me know that your child would like to participate in the make up auditions which will be held on Tuesday, January 20th.  Attached here you will find an audition information sheet.  In order to save time, it would be helpful if you could print it out and bring it with you already filled out on the day of auditions.  

If you have further questions, please feel free to comment so I can make as many clarifications as possible.  It is my hope that the audition process can be fun and run as smoothly as possible.   

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rehearsal Schedule

Here is a calendar of the rehearsal schedule.  Please note that as we get closer to the performance dates, we may need to add a few rehearsals!!  Click here for to view or download the calendar.

A Little Clarification

I am so excited about the response I have gotten so far from so many of you.  I am glad to know that you and your children are all as excited as I am about this adventure.  There are some of you who have wondered about rehearsal schedule and performance dates as you decide whether you and your child are able to participate in our musical.  For the most part, rehearsals will be held at Hidden Hollow on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4-5:30ish.  I have a couple of Friday dates as we get closer to the performance (I think there are only 2 of these), and the performance dates will be April 23, 24, and 25.  Also, if you have any questions, please comment on the blog (I will be checking it often) or email me directly at
Thanks again for your excitement and support!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome to  Hidden Hollow's Musical blog. 
This first post is to inform you of all the principal parts in our upcoming musical The Jungle Book.  Please read through the different character descriptions in order to become familiar with which part you would be most interested in trying out for.
Mowgli: is a boy who gets along with everyone and who is very likable.  He has a joyful and curious nature, and a twinkle in his eye.   You should have a spark that can captivate the audience and should be a bit fiesty.  Vocal Range: C3-D4
Bagheera: the panther.  Bagheera can be played by either a boy or a girl.  He is physically agile and uninhibited with good command of his or her body.  You should have a natural talent for acting, singing and leading a story.  Bagheera should act like an older brother or sister to Mowgli.  Vocal Range: D3-Bb3
Baloo: the bear.  Baloo is exuberant with a great natural talent for singing and acting.  Baloo provides much of the comedic relief in the story.  Vocal Range: C3-D4
King Louie: is King of the Monkeys.  You should not be afraid to act like a monkey.  King Louie has strong comedic timing and a good singing ability.  Vocal Range: C3-C4
Shere Khan: the tiger is King of the Jungle.  Shere Khan is physically threatening, either in size, attitude or both.  He is the villan and the story depends on a good villain.  Vocal Range:  E3-C4
Colonel Hathi: the elephant is in charge of the elephant brigade, but is also very forgetful.  He is good at giving commands but doesn't really understand what's going on around him.  Vocal Range:  D3-A3
Kaa: the snake, suppies threat and danger to Mowgli's journey out of the jungle.  Kaa is actually made up of a main Kaa "head" and four other Kaa's that make up his body.  Each character has solo likes that are spoken and sung.  Vocal Range:  D3-B3
Shanti: is the girl who takes Mowgli to the man village at the end of the story.  She is hiding in the jungle the entire time disguised as a Coconut Tree.  She is sweet and kind.  She has a couple of solos as the coconut tree.   Vocal Range: C3-C4

All principal rolls require ability to act, sing and dance.  There will be solo singing parts for all the above characters.  There are also parts available for animal "troups" that don't require singing a solo.