I can't believe the time has finally come. We have all worked so hard and it is now time to show off our stuff. There are a couple of things I want to remind you of on this final week.
1. We will be at the Junior High this week Tuesday-Saturday. (Leads and Stage Crew will need to be there on Monday as well). We will meet there at 4:00 and then you can take your child home after each show. Tuesday and Wednesday will be dress rehearsals so we will probably be done close to 8:00, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we will probably be done around 7:30 or so. Also, on Saturday we will meet at the Junior High at 12:30 to get ready for our matinee show. We will have dinner in between shows provided by Chick-Fil-A.
2. I am still looking for parents who can come and help. Specifically, I need help with clean up each night. The Junior High doesn't charge us facility fees, but they do expect that we leave their space clean. It will not take us long if I have 5 or 6 parents who are willing to stay a little later and help us clean the auditorium as well as the bathrooms that we use. To access the sign up, please click here.
3. Originally I was going to have the choir wear colored shirts, but after discussing it over with the choir director, we decided it would be better to have them wear their James and the Giant Peach shirts. Please send them to the Junior High each day wearing their shirts. Also, Mrs. Durfee would like the choir kids to be at the Junior High by 4:30 not 5:00. Obviously if they have siblings in the cast, they can come at 4:00 so you don't have to make 2 different trips.
4. It would be really helpful if you brought your child to the Junior High with some sort of makeup on already. Because of hygienic reasons, I do not want to share mascara between the kids. All I ask is that you put some sort of base (foundation, powder) and mascara on the kids before they come to the school. We will add eye shadow and lipstick. And yes boys need it too. Also, if your child brings their own makeup, hair supplies, brushes, etc, please label these items and send them in a small bag.
5. Lastly, because we will be at the Junior High past dinner time each night, please send snacks and or some sort of dinner for them to eat.
It is a long week, but a very rewarding week for all involved. We have worked so hard and I am so proud of these kids. Thank you for sharing them with me. I have learned so much from each one of them.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Sunday, March 26, 2017
It's Almost Here
I can't believe this will be our last week of rehearsals before we are at the Junior High. We have gotten so much done in the last week or so, and I am so excited to see things come together. Remember we will be having practices on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. I will need all cast members at all practices this week. Here is the plan for this week.
Monday, March 27th
We will be learning the closing number Welcome Home as well as curtain call. All members of the cast are involved in both of these numbers.
Wednesday, March 29th
This will be a "tech" rehearsal. We will be doing a slow run through of the entire show. This will be sloooooow so have your child bring something to read/homework. We will be focusing on working with the crew throughout this rehearsal. We will have many if not all of our sets and props for this rehearsal, so we need to make sure the crew knows their responsibility in getting everything where it needs to go during the show.
Thursday, March 30th
We will be running through the show once, possibly twice during this rehearsal. This one should go much quicker than the "tech" rehearsal on Wednesday. This rehearsal will involve the whole cast and most of the props and sets. It will involve some costumes (we need to practice some of the quicker costume changes with Ensemble 1), but it is NOT a dress rehearsal.
I also have a bunch of last minute notes for you this week. I know this is rather long, but please read all the way through.
For performances:
1. My insects will need some kind of black pants/shirts for the first part of the show (when they are puppeteers). If they don't have these items, please let me know.
2. My choir will need to wear blue jeans and a t shirt (it doesn't matter what the shirt looks like). We will have shirts for them to change into at the school, so if they wear their musical t shirt, please have it marked with their name so that when they change we will know whose shirt is whose.
3. Remember all cast members will need to wear a camisole and some sort of bike shorts or spankies to the junior high (under their regular clothes) so they can change comfortably in the dressing rooms.
4. I still need a few lawn/lounge chairs if any of you have any at home that we can use for the show. If you are willing to let us borrow your chairs, will you please put your name on the bottom of the chair and bring it to the school by this Wednesday.
5. We will be having work days at Hidden Hollow during Spring Break to finish up some last minute sets/props/costume things. I realize that many of you go out of town during Spring Break so these are not mandatory work days. As of now, we are planning on being at the school only a couple of days. (I'm not sure yet which ones), but we may need to add a couple depending on how much we get done. I will be sending texts out the night before to say if we will be at the school the next day or not. We will for sure be bringing all of our things over to Frontier Middle School on Friday of Spring Break, so if you have a van/truck/trailer or any vehicle we can put stuff in, please sign up on the sign up genius to help with that. If you don't want to haul stuff over, but you can help at the Junior High with unloading and set up, we could use help with that too.
Lastly, because we don't have school next week, I thought I would give you a calendar for our Performance week.
Monday, April 10th- Tech Rehearsal 4:00-7:00ish
This will be a tech rehearsal where we spend time with the Junior high lights and sound guys. We will not need all of you at this rehearsal. For this rehearsal, I just need the leads and the stage crew (James, Insects, Spiker, Sponge and Ladahlord). The only crew members I do not need at this rehearsal are the ones doing only hair and makeup.
Tuesday, April 11th & Wednesday, April 12th Dress Rehearsal 4:00-8:00
I know this seems like a long day, but we will need every bit of this time. We will start arriving at the school at 4:00 where we have rotations for the kids to work on the stage, get hair done, get make up done, check mics, etc. We will do these rotations from 4:00-6:00. At 6:00 we will begin our dress rehearsal. On dress rehearsal nights we like to get ready and be ready to start just like on show nights. The run through will go from 6:00-7:15ish. Then we will need to put costumes, sets, and props back and get them ready for the next day. We will also go through some directors notes with the kids. Plan on picking the kids up by 8:00. The choir kids will need to show up on dress rehearsal and performance nights at 5:30. I will need all crew members these nights.
Wednesday, April 12th- During the regular school day
We will be having a school assembly on Wednesday morning at Hidden Hollow. Our assembly will be at 9:30 so I need all students to arrive at school at A track time whether they are A or B trackers. During that track time, we will get costumes and make up on as well as practice the numbers we will be performing for the school during the assembly. If your child is a B tracker, they will need to come at A track time, but they will have to stay through B track time unless you come and check them out early. This is the easiest way for teachers to keep track.
Thursday, April 13th and Friday April 14th 4:00-8:00
These nights will be show nights. They will work similarly to dress rehearsal nights, the only difference will be that we will have an audience. I have it calendared to go until 8:00 on these evenings, but you are free to take your children home after the show is over and their costumes and props are all put in place for the next day.
Saturday, April 15th 12:00-8:00
This is a long but fun day. The kids will come at 12:30 (choir doesn't need to show up until 2:00). We will get ready for the matinee show to start at 2:30. After the matinee show, we will have our cast party. We are working with Chick-Fil-A and they will be donating late lunch/early dinner for us that afternoon. Please keep in mind that this cast party will be at about 3:30-4:00 so please send snacks for them to have before that time. After the cast party, we will need to start getting ready for our final showing. This show will begin at 6:00 and again, you are free to take your kids home after the show. In saying all of that, I will need help after that final show with packing things up and getting them back to Hidden Hollow that night. Please check out the sign up genius and sign up for any and all help you can give.
I know this is A LOT of information, but thanks for reading all the way to the end. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.
Monday, March 27th
We will be learning the closing number Welcome Home as well as curtain call. All members of the cast are involved in both of these numbers.
Wednesday, March 29th
This will be a "tech" rehearsal. We will be doing a slow run through of the entire show. This will be sloooooow so have your child bring something to read/homework. We will be focusing on working with the crew throughout this rehearsal. We will have many if not all of our sets and props for this rehearsal, so we need to make sure the crew knows their responsibility in getting everything where it needs to go during the show.
Thursday, March 30th
We will be running through the show once, possibly twice during this rehearsal. This one should go much quicker than the "tech" rehearsal on Wednesday. This rehearsal will involve the whole cast and most of the props and sets. It will involve some costumes (we need to practice some of the quicker costume changes with Ensemble 1), but it is NOT a dress rehearsal.
I also have a bunch of last minute notes for you this week. I know this is rather long, but please read all the way through.
For performances:
1. My insects will need some kind of black pants/shirts for the first part of the show (when they are puppeteers). If they don't have these items, please let me know.
2. My choir will need to wear blue jeans and a t shirt (it doesn't matter what the shirt looks like). We will have shirts for them to change into at the school, so if they wear their musical t shirt, please have it marked with their name so that when they change we will know whose shirt is whose.
3. Remember all cast members will need to wear a camisole and some sort of bike shorts or spankies to the junior high (under their regular clothes) so they can change comfortably in the dressing rooms.
4. I still need a few lawn/lounge chairs if any of you have any at home that we can use for the show. If you are willing to let us borrow your chairs, will you please put your name on the bottom of the chair and bring it to the school by this Wednesday.
5. We will be having work days at Hidden Hollow during Spring Break to finish up some last minute sets/props/costume things. I realize that many of you go out of town during Spring Break so these are not mandatory work days. As of now, we are planning on being at the school only a couple of days. (I'm not sure yet which ones), but we may need to add a couple depending on how much we get done. I will be sending texts out the night before to say if we will be at the school the next day or not. We will for sure be bringing all of our things over to Frontier Middle School on Friday of Spring Break, so if you have a van/truck/trailer or any vehicle we can put stuff in, please sign up on the sign up genius to help with that. If you don't want to haul stuff over, but you can help at the Junior High with unloading and set up, we could use help with that too.
Lastly, because we don't have school next week, I thought I would give you a calendar for our Performance week.
Monday, April 10th- Tech Rehearsal 4:00-7:00ish
This will be a tech rehearsal where we spend time with the Junior high lights and sound guys. We will not need all of you at this rehearsal. For this rehearsal, I just need the leads and the stage crew (James, Insects, Spiker, Sponge and Ladahlord). The only crew members I do not need at this rehearsal are the ones doing only hair and makeup.
Tuesday, April 11th & Wednesday, April 12th Dress Rehearsal 4:00-8:00
I know this seems like a long day, but we will need every bit of this time. We will start arriving at the school at 4:00 where we have rotations for the kids to work on the stage, get hair done, get make up done, check mics, etc. We will do these rotations from 4:00-6:00. At 6:00 we will begin our dress rehearsal. On dress rehearsal nights we like to get ready and be ready to start just like on show nights. The run through will go from 6:00-7:15ish. Then we will need to put costumes, sets, and props back and get them ready for the next day. We will also go through some directors notes with the kids. Plan on picking the kids up by 8:00. The choir kids will need to show up on dress rehearsal and performance nights at 5:30. I will need all crew members these nights.
Wednesday, April 12th- During the regular school day
We will be having a school assembly on Wednesday morning at Hidden Hollow. Our assembly will be at 9:30 so I need all students to arrive at school at A track time whether they are A or B trackers. During that track time, we will get costumes and make up on as well as practice the numbers we will be performing for the school during the assembly. If your child is a B tracker, they will need to come at A track time, but they will have to stay through B track time unless you come and check them out early. This is the easiest way for teachers to keep track.
Thursday, April 13th and Friday April 14th 4:00-8:00
These nights will be show nights. They will work similarly to dress rehearsal nights, the only difference will be that we will have an audience. I have it calendared to go until 8:00 on these evenings, but you are free to take your children home after the show is over and their costumes and props are all put in place for the next day.
Saturday, April 15th 12:00-8:00
This is a long but fun day. The kids will come at 12:30 (choir doesn't need to show up until 2:00). We will get ready for the matinee show to start at 2:30. After the matinee show, we will have our cast party. We are working with Chick-Fil-A and they will be donating late lunch/early dinner for us that afternoon. Please keep in mind that this cast party will be at about 3:30-4:00 so please send snacks for them to have before that time. After the cast party, we will need to start getting ready for our final showing. This show will begin at 6:00 and again, you are free to take your kids home after the show. In saying all of that, I will need help after that final show with packing things up and getting them back to Hidden Hollow that night. Please check out the sign up genius and sign up for any and all help you can give.
I know this is A LOT of information, but thanks for reading all the way to the end. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
March 20th and 22nd
Just a quick reminder to start off with, please remember that I canceled the Thursday rehearsal for this week due to the fact that we have our First Annual Hidden Hollow Arts Festival. I have had a couple of emails over the last week or so regarding that rehearsal, so I wanted to just remind you that it has been canceled.
It is hard to believe that we only have 5 rehearsals left, 2 this week and 3 next week. We are really close to finishing up everything and it is looking so good. This is the part of the process that is the hardest yet most rewarding for all involved.
Here is the plan for this week
Monday, March 20th
James and Insects will be working on blocking of lines leading up to Plump and Juicy as well as choreography for that number.
Ensemble 1 will be working on vocals with Mrs. Hickenlooper for the first hour of practice and then getting together with Insects on Plump and Juicy.
Sponge and Spiker will be blocking a few scenes during the first hour.
Sponge, Spiker, Ladahlord, and Earthworm will be working on Vocals with Mrs. Hickenlooper during the second hour.
Ensemble 2 will be having a final costume fitting and polishing up the opening number as well as Money on That Tree and I've Got You!
I DO NOT need Ensemble 3 to be there on Monday
Wednesday, March 22nd
Ensemble 2 & 3 will be blocking the New York and The Attack scene.
Ensemble 1 will be doing their final costume fitting and practicing costume change from vagrants to weeds. They will also be working on cleaning up and polishing the opening number, Property of Spiker and Sponge, Shake it Up and Plump and Juicy.
Friday, March 24th
I will be having a leads only rehearsal on Friday (Ladahlord, Spiker, Sponge, James and Insects). We will be cleaning up our blocking and transitions as well as working on characterization. I know this rehearsal was not previously on the schedule so please let me know if there are any conflicts. I know that many of you will be having your math testing for Junior High on Thursday so it will be a long week. However, I am hoping you can all be there.
It is hard to believe that we only have 5 rehearsals left, 2 this week and 3 next week. We are really close to finishing up everything and it is looking so good. This is the part of the process that is the hardest yet most rewarding for all involved.
Here is the plan for this week
Monday, March 20th
James and Insects will be working on blocking of lines leading up to Plump and Juicy as well as choreography for that number.
Ensemble 1 will be working on vocals with Mrs. Hickenlooper for the first hour of practice and then getting together with Insects on Plump and Juicy.
Sponge and Spiker will be blocking a few scenes during the first hour.
Sponge, Spiker, Ladahlord, and Earthworm will be working on Vocals with Mrs. Hickenlooper during the second hour.
Ensemble 2 will be having a final costume fitting and polishing up the opening number as well as Money on That Tree and I've Got You!
I DO NOT need Ensemble 3 to be there on Monday
Wednesday, March 22nd
Ensemble 2 & 3 will be blocking the New York and The Attack scene.
Ensemble 1 will be doing their final costume fitting and practicing costume change from vagrants to weeds. They will also be working on cleaning up and polishing the opening number, Property of Spiker and Sponge, Shake it Up and Plump and Juicy.
Friday, March 24th
I will be having a leads only rehearsal on Friday (Ladahlord, Spiker, Sponge, James and Insects). We will be cleaning up our blocking and transitions as well as working on characterization. I know this rehearsal was not previously on the schedule so please let me know if there are any conflicts. I know that many of you will be having your math testing for Junior High on Thursday so it will be a long week. However, I am hoping you can all be there.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
And There Were Seven Left!!! AGHHHHH!
I am happy to report that we actually got more done last week than we had planned. This is exciting news and I hope that we just continue moving onward and upward!! We have a big week planned this week, and I am going to need all cast members at both practices. Last week your child should have come home with a musical CD. Please have your child listen to this CD as much as possible over the next four weeks. That's right I said four weeks. I can't believe it is coming so soon. I know that if we all listen to the music as much as possible and work on our vocals at home, things will really come together. Also starting this week we will be working with Mrs. Hickenlooper and with the choir on both Mondays and Wednesdays on vocals.
This is the plan for this week.
Monday, March 13th
Insects will be cleaning up and practicing all scenes through Scene 8 and Scene 10 leading up to Plump and Juicy
Spiker, Sponge, Ladahlord, Ensemble 2: Scene 9 and I've Got You! We just have to learn the last little bit of the dance and then we will clean things up.
Ensemble 1 & 3: Will be cleaning up their dances as well as working on Vocals with Mrs. Hickenlooper.
The Garden Guild and Reporters will be meeting with costume moms to make sure we have all of their costume pieces.
Choir will meet from 3:45-4:45
Wednesday, March 15th
Insects & Ensemble 1 will be working on Plump & Juicy
Ensemble 2 will be cleaning up Money on that Tree as well as I've Got You! You will also be working with Mrs. Hickenlooper on Vocals.
The Hollywood Agents will be meeting with costume moms to make sure we have all of their costume pieces.
Choir will meet from 3:45-4:45
**One last quick note: If any of you have any costume pieces that you were thinking of using in the show, please bring those pieces to us by Wednesday, March 15th. You do not need to provide pieces for your child's costume, however, we have had many cast members tell us that they have things at home that they were planning on using. I am going to make a big trip to the DI this weekend and I would like to have the most comprehensive list that I can to finish up the rest of the costumes.
This is the plan for this week.
Monday, March 13th
Insects will be cleaning up and practicing all scenes through Scene 8 and Scene 10 leading up to Plump and Juicy
Spiker, Sponge, Ladahlord, Ensemble 2: Scene 9 and I've Got You! We just have to learn the last little bit of the dance and then we will clean things up.
Ensemble 1 & 3: Will be cleaning up their dances as well as working on Vocals with Mrs. Hickenlooper.
The Garden Guild and Reporters will be meeting with costume moms to make sure we have all of their costume pieces.
Choir will meet from 3:45-4:45
Wednesday, March 15th
Insects & Ensemble 1 will be working on Plump & Juicy
Ensemble 2 will be cleaning up Money on that Tree as well as I've Got You! You will also be working with Mrs. Hickenlooper on Vocals.
The Hollywood Agents will be meeting with costume moms to make sure we have all of their costume pieces.
Choir will meet from 3:45-4:45
**One last quick note: If any of you have any costume pieces that you were thinking of using in the show, please bring those pieces to us by Wednesday, March 15th. You do not need to provide pieces for your child's costume, however, we have had many cast members tell us that they have things at home that they were planning on using. I am going to make a big trip to the DI this weekend and I would like to have the most comprehensive list that I can to finish up the rest of the costumes.
Monday, March 6, 2017
An Update
I have a couple of things that I missed on my post last week! In addition to the groups that are already scheduled for Wednesday, I need Ensemble 1 & 3 to come to rehearsal as. well. We will be practicing and perfecting The Getaway for Spiker and Sponge as well as doing costume fittings.
Also, I really need some help from you all at home. We have been working really hard over the last couple of months on choreography, blocking and vocals at rehearsals. The kids are doing AMAZINGLY on so many things and I can see this spectacular show take shape. In saying all of this we need A LOT of work on vocals. We are so lucky to have Mrs. Hickenlooper working with us on Mondays with our vocals. She is so talented and I have seen her do amazing things at Hidden Hollow for years. She is fabulous at teaching students music, and bringing out the best in them musically. Although we have her helping us, we are never going to get where we need to be if we don't practice at home. Today it was very clear to me that we are NOT practicing at home. During our rehearsals today, we starting practicing using instrumental tracks and I was really taken back. First, please help your child to learn and memorize the words of the songs. Secondly, please have them work on projection and pitch. Mrs. Hickenlooper has already worked with them on most of the songs and they should have notes written in their scripts on what to work on within the song.
Also, I really need some help from you all at home. We have been working really hard over the last couple of months on choreography, blocking and vocals at rehearsals. The kids are doing AMAZINGLY on so many things and I can see this spectacular show take shape. In saying all of this we need A LOT of work on vocals. We are so lucky to have Mrs. Hickenlooper working with us on Mondays with our vocals. She is so talented and I have seen her do amazing things at Hidden Hollow for years. She is fabulous at teaching students music, and bringing out the best in them musically. Although we have her helping us, we are never going to get where we need to be if we don't practice at home. Today it was very clear to me that we are NOT practicing at home. During our rehearsals today, we starting practicing using instrumental tracks and I was really taken back. First, please help your child to learn and memorize the words of the songs. Secondly, please have them work on projection and pitch. Mrs. Hickenlooper has already worked with them on most of the songs and they should have notes written in their scripts on what to work on within the song.
Friday, March 3, 2017
March 6th and 8th
I have had many of you email and ask me about the time of rehearsal on Monday. I realize that Monday is a non-school day for your kids, however, it is not for me. I would love to have rehearsal earlier in the morning, but I will be working until 3:30. Therefore, rehearsal will have to begin at 3:30. I know this may cause a problem for some of you, it is my hope that it's not problematic for many of you. We are definitely at crunch time and we need all the time we can get.
Monday, March 6th 3:30-5:30
Sponge and Spiker, Billy and Bobby Cop, Ensemble 1 & 3 will be working on The Getaway for Spiker and Sponge
Ensemble 2 will be working on Vocals for Right Before Your Eyes, Money on that Tree, Welcome Home, and practicing and perfecting Money on that Tree.
Insects will be finishing up Floating Along and working on Scene 8 (please go through lines on this scene so we can focus on blocking).
Choir will be meeting from 3:45-4:45
Choir will be meeting from 3:45-4:45
Wednesday, March 8th 3:45-5:45 (Jr. Jazz is now over)
Spiker, Sponge, Ladahlord, Ensemble 2 will be working on I've Got You!
Insects will be working on Scene 8
Please remember that we have 9 rehearsals left and we need every minute of the time we have left before we go on break. Please be considerate and make sure your child is at rehearsal unless it is an emergency!
Thursday, March 2, 2017
A Big Favor
Hello All!!! I would like to ask you all for a big favor. Tickets went on sale yesterday, and although it is early in the process, I would like to get the word out to as many people as possible to come and get their tickets for our spectacular show. I was thinking if we all posted something on our Facebook or Instagram, that would get the word out to loads of people with very little effort. Just click here, and download the image. Then you can post the image on your profile with a short caption promoting your child and all the hard work they are doing for the show.
Thank you all in advance!!! Let's fill the auditorium!!
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Instrumental Tracks
Here are the links to the Instrumental tracks
Right Before Your Eyes
On Your Way Home
Right Before Your Eyes (Reprise #1)
Atrocious Aunties
Property of Spiker and Sponge
Property (Playoff)
Right Before Your Eyes (Reprise #2)
The Chase
Shake it Up
Shake it Up (Reprise)
There's Money on That Tree
Money (Playoff)
On Your Way Home (Reprise)
Our Adventure Begins
Top of the Peach
Floatin' Along
Floatin' Along (Reprise)
A Getaway for Spiker and Sponge
Everywhere That You Are
Right Before Your Eyes (Reprise #3)
I Got You
Trouble on that High Peach
Plump and Juicy
Right Before Your Eyes (Reprise #4)
Empire State/The Attack
Welcome Home
Curtain Call
Right Before Your Eyes
On Your Way Home
Right Before Your Eyes (Reprise #1)
Atrocious Aunties
Property of Spiker and Sponge
Property (Playoff)
Right Before Your Eyes (Reprise #2)
The Chase
Shake it Up
Shake it Up (Reprise)
There's Money on That Tree
Money (Playoff)
On Your Way Home (Reprise)
Our Adventure Begins
Top of the Peach
Floatin' Along
Floatin' Along (Reprise)
A Getaway for Spiker and Sponge
Everywhere That You Are
Right Before Your Eyes (Reprise #3)
I Got You
Trouble on that High Peach
Plump and Juicy
Right Before Your Eyes (Reprise #4)
Empire State/The Attack
Welcome Home
Curtain Call
And Now We Are Into MARCH!!
I can't believe that it is March already! We have come soooo far and I can't wait to start working through the second half of the show.
TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE THIS WEDNESDAY. Each family involved in the show will get 2 complimentary tickets to attend any show. These are almost ready to distribute, and I plan on getting them out this week. Additional ticket prices are $5.00 for Adults and $3.00 for children (any student, elementary, junior high, or high school). Children 3 and under are free. We also have a family ticket; 6 tickets (2 adults and 4 children) for $20.00. Please tell your family and friends to come and get tickets at the Hidden Hollow front office. All tickets at the door will be $5.00
The next four weeks might be a little challenging since we need to block the entire 2nd half of the show. The good news is that most of the big numbers are choreographed and the kids are doing an excellent job practicing and perfecting them. Because we only have the month of March to finish the show and we won't have any rehearsals during Spring Break, I have decided to add a couple of rehearsal dates the last couple of weeks before Spring Break. Please mark these dates on your calendar.
Monday, March 6th (I made mention of this date last week). I know it is a non-school day for students, but it would be unwise to skip this date since we have so few rehearsal dates left.
Thursday, March 23rd We will be working through the closing number and curtain calls so that the following week we can run through the entire show as many times as time permits, practicing and perfecting before heading over to the Junior High.
Thursday, March 30th. We will be running through the entire show as many times as we can before starting our Spring Break.
Mrs. Durfee and I have also decided to add a few choir rehearsals this month. We toyed with the idea of extending Monday rehearsals to 2 hours rather than adding additional days, but it is our opinion and experience that these little ones do better with shorter rehearsals more often rather than doing longer rehearsals with big breaks in between. Here are the additional choir dates:
Wednesday, March 15th
Wednesday, March 22nd
Wednesday, March 29th
The following is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 27th
Entire Cast: We will be doing a stumble through of the first half of the show. After stumbling through we will be making notes and fixing a few things and then running through it again. Make sure your child brings their script and a pencil so that they can jot down notes. We should be totally off books on the first half of the show, however, it will be beneficial to jot down notes to review as the kids practice at home.
Wednesday, March 1st
Insects Only: We will be polishing up a few scenes from the first half and start blocking the 2nd half starting just after Intermission through Floating Along. If we can get further that would be amazing. It may seem strange to add additional practices, but then to have just a few come and not involve everyone. I decided not to have any other cast members there so we can focus on blocking without 10 other things going on at the same time. It is good to have many cast members there practicing and perfecting scenes, but often times this takes me away from directing and moving on.
Props and Sets Stage Crew: I need all crew members who are helping with sets and props. We will be going through the script and making assignments for these two things. Many of the sets and props are finished and need to be rehearsed with, prior to practicing at the Junior High.
One last thing, I will be posting the musical tracks minus vocals. At this stage in the game we should be listening to and practicing with the musical tracks minus the vocal cues. Please have your child look at their script and really know the words. Once we take the vocal cues out, it is often difficult to remember the words. Practicing at home is so important to progressing.
TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE THIS WEDNESDAY. Each family involved in the show will get 2 complimentary tickets to attend any show. These are almost ready to distribute, and I plan on getting them out this week. Additional ticket prices are $5.00 for Adults and $3.00 for children (any student, elementary, junior high, or high school). Children 3 and under are free. We also have a family ticket; 6 tickets (2 adults and 4 children) for $20.00. Please tell your family and friends to come and get tickets at the Hidden Hollow front office. All tickets at the door will be $5.00
The next four weeks might be a little challenging since we need to block the entire 2nd half of the show. The good news is that most of the big numbers are choreographed and the kids are doing an excellent job practicing and perfecting them. Because we only have the month of March to finish the show and we won't have any rehearsals during Spring Break, I have decided to add a couple of rehearsal dates the last couple of weeks before Spring Break. Please mark these dates on your calendar.
Monday, March 6th (I made mention of this date last week). I know it is a non-school day for students, but it would be unwise to skip this date since we have so few rehearsal dates left.
Thursday, March 23rd We will be working through the closing number and curtain calls so that the following week we can run through the entire show as many times as time permits, practicing and perfecting before heading over to the Junior High.
Thursday, March 30th. We will be running through the entire show as many times as we can before starting our Spring Break.
Mrs. Durfee and I have also decided to add a few choir rehearsals this month. We toyed with the idea of extending Monday rehearsals to 2 hours rather than adding additional days, but it is our opinion and experience that these little ones do better with shorter rehearsals more often rather than doing longer rehearsals with big breaks in between. Here are the additional choir dates:
Wednesday, March 15th
Wednesday, March 22nd
Wednesday, March 29th
The following is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 27th
Entire Cast: We will be doing a stumble through of the first half of the show. After stumbling through we will be making notes and fixing a few things and then running through it again. Make sure your child brings their script and a pencil so that they can jot down notes. We should be totally off books on the first half of the show, however, it will be beneficial to jot down notes to review as the kids practice at home.
Wednesday, March 1st
Insects Only: We will be polishing up a few scenes from the first half and start blocking the 2nd half starting just after Intermission through Floating Along. If we can get further that would be amazing. It may seem strange to add additional practices, but then to have just a few come and not involve everyone. I decided not to have any other cast members there so we can focus on blocking without 10 other things going on at the same time. It is good to have many cast members there practicing and perfecting scenes, but often times this takes me away from directing and moving on.
Props and Sets Stage Crew: I need all crew members who are helping with sets and props. We will be going through the script and making assignments for these two things. Many of the sets and props are finished and need to be rehearsed with, prior to practicing at the Junior High.
One last thing, I will be posting the musical tracks minus vocals. At this stage in the game we should be listening to and practicing with the musical tracks minus the vocal cues. Please have your child look at their script and really know the words. Once we take the vocal cues out, it is often difficult to remember the words. Practicing at home is so important to progressing.
Monday, February 20, 2017
February 22nd
It seems like it has been a long time since we have all been together to rehearse. I know this sounds strange but I miss it. We have been working so hard and the show is coming together. It is so exciting. This is our plan for this week.
Wednesday, February 22nd
Ensemble 1, Insects, and Ladahlord will be finishing up Shake it up
Ensemble 3, and Sixth Graders from Ensemble 2 will be working on blocking of The Adventure Begins.
As of now, on the rehearsal calendar, it says that we will not have rehearsal on Monday, March 6th. This is a professional development day so students do not have school but the teachers do. I have decided that we will have rehearsal on that Monday, however I don't know yet who will need to be there. If you already have plans for that 3-day weekend please let me know. We will also be holding choir that day.
Wednesday, February 22nd
Ensemble 1, Insects, and Ladahlord will be finishing up Shake it up
Ensemble 3, and Sixth Graders from Ensemble 2 will be working on blocking of The Adventure Begins.
As of now, on the rehearsal calendar, it says that we will not have rehearsal on Monday, March 6th. This is a professional development day so students do not have school but the teachers do. I have decided that we will have rehearsal on that Monday, however I don't know yet who will need to be there. If you already have plans for that 3-day weekend please let me know. We will also be holding choir that day.
Friday, February 10, 2017
February 13th and 15th
I am so overwhelmed with the amount of help and support we are getting from all of you. We have had several meetings with many of you and work is going great on both costumes and sets. You all have no idea what a weight this takes off of both Barbie and I as we go through this process.
We have a few moms that will be coming to rehearsals over the next several Mondays to size and fit all of the donations that we have received as we put together costumes for the cast. If you are interested in helping with this or if you can just stop by that would be great. The plan is that we will look at what clothing items we have collected and see which cast member it will fit. We will label these items and start making lists of items that we need to purchase. Don't worry, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEW!! If you are able to help, please send me an email, or just stop by at Monday rehearsals.
Here is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 13th
Ensemble 1, James, Insects will be working on Vocals for Shake it Up.
Ensemble 2, Sponge and Spiker will be finishing up Money on that Tree.
Ensemble 3 does not need to attend rehearsal on Monday (we will be getting to you soon)
Choir will be working on Vocals from 3:45-4:45
Wednesday, February 15th
Ensemble 1, James, Insects will be working on Choreography for Shake it Up
Ensemble 2 will be cleaning up and practicing Money on that Tree
Sponge, Spiker and James will be working on Blocking for Scenes 3 and 4 leading up to Shake it up and Money on that Tree.
Ensemble 3 does not need to come to rehearsal
We have a few moms that will be coming to rehearsals over the next several Mondays to size and fit all of the donations that we have received as we put together costumes for the cast. If you are interested in helping with this or if you can just stop by that would be great. The plan is that we will look at what clothing items we have collected and see which cast member it will fit. We will label these items and start making lists of items that we need to purchase. Don't worry, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEW!! If you are able to help, please send me an email, or just stop by at Monday rehearsals.
Here is the plan for this week.
Monday, February 13th
Ensemble 1, James, Insects will be working on Vocals for Shake it Up.
Ensemble 2, Sponge and Spiker will be finishing up Money on that Tree.
Ensemble 3 does not need to attend rehearsal on Monday (we will be getting to you soon)
Choir will be working on Vocals from 3:45-4:45
Wednesday, February 15th
Ensemble 1, James, Insects will be working on Choreography for Shake it Up
Ensemble 2 will be cleaning up and practicing Money on that Tree
Sponge, Spiker and James will be working on Blocking for Scenes 3 and 4 leading up to Shake it up and Money on that Tree.
Ensemble 3 does not need to come to rehearsal
Friday, February 3, 2017
February 6th
Last week was AMAZING!!! I am so impressed with all of our young performers. They are working so hard and we are making some huge progress. It is fun to work with them. I do have a couple of announcements for this week. First of all, I getting the order together for t shirts. I finally have all of the sizes and I am putting in the order on Monday. If you want to order an extra t shirt, please let me know before then. The cost of additional shirts is $7.00. Secondly, thank you to all of you who came to help with the costumes last week. All of your donations, hard work and collaboration have made things run so smooth and it has really taken a huge load off of Barbie, Shelly and I. Also a big thank you to those of you who came and worked with us on the sets and props. I am confident that we will have most of our props and sets built by the end of February, beginning of March. This will be great as we will begin having our stage crew at rehearsals at that time. Lastly, Mrs. Durfee and I are so excited to have the choir begin rehearsing this week. Here is an outline of this week's plan for rehearsal. Remember we only have rehearsal on Monday this week as Wednesday we will be having Parent Teacher Conferences at the school.
Monday, February 6th
Insects and Ladahlord will be working with Mrs. Hickenlooper on solo vocals.
Ensemble 1, Matron Nurse, Billy Cop, Bobby Cop, Doreen Driggles, Violit, Chris Cryermouth, Sponge, Spiker, and member of Ensemble 3 that are in Property of Spiker and Sponge will be running that number.
Ensemble 2 will be learning the dance for Money on that Tree.
Choir will be working with Mrs. Durfee on the opening number. Remember that the choir only meets from 3:45-4:45. Please send them with a snack, or money to buy a snack. Even though it is only an hour, they do need a snack (especially those little ones that are B track, or afternoon Kindergarten).
Monday, February 6th
Insects and Ladahlord will be working with Mrs. Hickenlooper on solo vocals.
Ensemble 1, Matron Nurse, Billy Cop, Bobby Cop, Doreen Driggles, Violit, Chris Cryermouth, Sponge, Spiker, and member of Ensemble 3 that are in Property of Spiker and Sponge will be running that number.
Ensemble 2 will be learning the dance for Money on that Tree.
Choir will be working with Mrs. Durfee on the opening number. Remember that the choir only meets from 3:45-4:45. Please send them with a snack, or money to buy a snack. Even though it is only an hour, they do need a snack (especially those little ones that are B track, or afternoon Kindergarten).
Sunday, January 29, 2017
January 30th and February 1st
I will need the entire cast at rehearsal on Monday, however I will only need a partial cast on Wednesday. Below I have outlined what we will be working on and who will be expected to be at rehearsal.
January 30th Rehearsal- Entire Cast
Ensemble 2 will be working on the vocals for Money on that Tree. Please bring your scripts and pencils to take notes.
Grasshopper will be working on Solo Vocals
Ensemble 1 & 3 will be working on The Property of Spiker and Sponge dance.
February 1st- Ensemble 1 & 3, Insects
Ensemble 1 and 3 will be finishing up on The Property of Spiker and Sponge dance.
Insects will be working on lines for scene 6. Please bring your scripts and a pencil to take notes.
January 30th Rehearsal- Entire Cast
Ensemble 2 will be working on the vocals for Money on that Tree. Please bring your scripts and pencils to take notes.
Grasshopper will be working on Solo Vocals
Ensemble 1 & 3 will be working on The Property of Spiker and Sponge dance.
February 1st- Ensemble 1 & 3, Insects
Ensemble 1 and 3 will be finishing up on The Property of Spiker and Sponge dance.
Insects will be working on lines for scene 6. Please bring your scripts and a pencil to take notes.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
20's Dresses
I have been asked several times for clarification on what we are looking for in terms of 20's style dresses. Here are a few images that we found that fit what we are looking for. The ladies that we have working with costumes are AMAZING and can transform many of the dresses that are in style now to be similar to this style, so if you have anything that you think might work, and you don't mind if we alter or change it, please send it our way. We appreciate any and all donations.
January 23rd and 25th
I am sorry this announcement is so late. I hope that you all got my text this morning regarding rehearsal for tomorrow, Monday, January 23rd and are planning on attending.
The kids have worked so hard on the opening number and it is going to look great. We will use the first hour tomorrow to finish that number. The following is the outlined plan for this week.
Monday, January 23rd
The entire cast will take the first hour to finish the opening number
Second Hour
Ensemble 1, Sponge and Spiker, Billy and Bobby Cop, Dorreen, Violet, Ridgley, Cris and Matron Nurse will work with Mrs. Hickenlooper on the vocals for Property of Spiker and Sponge.
Ensemble 2 will be polishing up the opening number
Ensemble 3, Matron Nurse, Karl Kreatour, Mr. and Mrs. Trotter, Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug and James will work on Scene 1
Please bring your scripts and a pencil
Wednesday, January 25th
Ensemble 1, Sponge and Spiker, Billy and Bobby Cop, Doreen, Violet, Ridgley, Cris and Matron Nurse will be working on choreography for Property of Spiker and Sponge.
Ensemble 2 and 3 will be polishing the opening number.
Insects and James will be working on lines and blocking.
Please remember to bring your clothing donations by Wednesday January 25th. Also, I have a few of you that haven't turned in your measurements and money donations. Please send that as soon as you can. Please send me a private email if the money donations is a hardship on you or your family.
The kids have worked so hard on the opening number and it is going to look great. We will use the first hour tomorrow to finish that number. The following is the outlined plan for this week.
Monday, January 23rd
The entire cast will take the first hour to finish the opening number
Second Hour
Ensemble 1, Sponge and Spiker, Billy and Bobby Cop, Dorreen, Violet, Ridgley, Cris and Matron Nurse will work with Mrs. Hickenlooper on the vocals for Property of Spiker and Sponge.
Ensemble 2 will be polishing up the opening number
Ensemble 3, Matron Nurse, Karl Kreatour, Mr. and Mrs. Trotter, Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug and James will work on Scene 1
Please bring your scripts and a pencil
Wednesday, January 25th
Ensemble 1, Sponge and Spiker, Billy and Bobby Cop, Doreen, Violet, Ridgley, Cris and Matron Nurse will be working on choreography for Property of Spiker and Sponge.
Ensemble 2 and 3 will be polishing the opening number.
Insects and James will be working on lines and blocking.
Please remember to bring your clothing donations by Wednesday January 25th. Also, I have a few of you that haven't turned in your measurements and money donations. Please send that as soon as you can. Please send me a private email if the money donations is a hardship on you or your family.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
The First Week is Over!!
We had a great first week! I am so thankful for Mrs. Hickenlooper and Mrs. Patin for all of their hard work. We have successfully learned the opening number (vocals) and we have begun work on the choreography. Please take some time over the next week, (we don't have rehearsal on Monday due to the holiday) to have your child listen to the opening number and practice the vocals. They should have notes written in their scripts so they are practicing correctly. Also have them practice the choreography so we are ready to just pick up where we left off next Wednesday. It is my hope that we will finish the choreography of the opening number next Wednesday! Also, I have several kids that did not attend either rehearsal this week. If your child missed one or both of the rehearsals, please have them find someone that is in their same ensemble group to learn the material before next Wednesday. We will place them on the stage, but we will not be reteaching the material. If your child missed one or both rehearsals and they are now longer planning on participating in the musical, please notify me as soon as possible.
Thanks again for a great first week!
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Our First Week of Rehearsals
This week I need all cast members to be at both rehearsals. We will be learning the opening number. On Monday we will be working with Mrs. Hickenlooper on music and then on Wednesday we will be learning the dance. Please bring your script and a pencil so that you can jot down notes. I am so excited to be getting started!
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Clothing Donations for Ensemble Characters
I appreciate all of you that came to the parent meeting tonight. I am so excited to start working with all of you and your children. This is going to be a great year with a great cast and I am overwhelmed and so appreciative to all of you and your willingness to assist us in this process. It was brought to my attention at the meeting tonight that some of you (choir only parents) didn't have a copy of the clothing donation list and so I am posting it here so you can have access to it.
If you have any of
the following items that you can donate for your group or any other, please
have them to me by January 25th.
These items will be donations and will be altered. We will not be returning them.
Ensemble 1
Colored skirts, pants
Down shirts and patterns
sleeve plain White t-shirts
Ensemble 2
themed dresses
dress pants (Grays, blacks, dark blues)
button down shirts
(male and female)
Ensemble 3
themed dresses
button down shirts
button down shirts
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Parent Meeting
Just a Reminder that our Parent Meeting will be tomorrow starting at 5:30 in the Media Center.
I am looking forward to meeting with all of you and getting starting on this super fun adventure!!!
I am looking forward to meeting with all of you and getting starting on this super fun adventure!!!
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